Welcome to My World!!

My photo
From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

I hope everyone enjoys their Halloween! And I hope all the little munchkins make one heck of a load tonight! I'm hopeful that my munchkin makes one heck of a load, but gets all the candy he loves that I don't! Ha!

So far this weekend has been filled with some great intentions that fell apart.

Friday night I went to bed with every intention of getting up and going to workout Saturday morning before I ran all of my errands and went for my massage. This failed when I didn't get out of bed until after 10am.

After I came home from my massage when I decided to lay down for a little nap I had every intention of getting up no later than 3 hours later and getting things done. This failed when I didn't get out of bed until around 3:45am this morning.
I'm hoping since I slept close to 10 hours last night that I will stay awake all day, get tons done, get to bed at a normal time and start this week out right! Another intention...hopefully this one doesn't fall apart too!

My push to go and workout yesterday was because this past week one of the other parents from the munchkin's soccer team emailed us some wonderful pictures of their last game. I had went through them and didn't think anything of them until one night late this week I was showing them to my aunt. That's when it happened! I said, "And here is a picture with you in it." And she responds, "And look there is mommy." OMG. I didn't even see me in the picture. Not because I was so small it was hard to see me. It was because I was so horrific looking that I didn't recognize that obese person as me.

I think part of my problem is because when I think of myself I don't think I'm nearly as big as what I am until I see a picture of myself or look at myself in the mirror. And being an obese person I don't look at myself that often in a mirror. I had been doing fairly well, again not perfect or even really well, with getting back on track with my healthy living, but this whole picture debacle has helped push me forward. So I enter another week waging my battle of the bulge.

This week's stats...

Starting weight (7/8/09): 363lbs
Current weight: 320.8lbs
This week's results:-1lb
Total weight lost: -42.2lbs

I was hoping for a bigger number this week, but I'm happy to have lost for the 3rd week in a row. That is huge in my world! Now I hope I can keep this streak alive. I guess should I feel the urge to slip up I can just look at the horrific picture that brought me into line this week.

Consider it done:
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, 32, 33, 37, 40
Just getting started: 5, 7, 10, 17, 31, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39
Needs attention: 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 22, 23, 27, 29, 30

Friday, October 29, 2010

Week #10 This Semester Is In The Bag

Last night when I got home if I wouldn't have just spent $21 on dinner I would have immediately crawled into bed. Yes, it was only 8pm. Yes I have tons to do every night, but I was just feeling totally exhausted. Of course I didn't do it. Instead I ate my yummy Mexican take-out and got a few things done instead. Of course at midnight I was really wishing I would have went to bed 4 hours earlier and come morning...definitely wishing I would have just went to bed!

Obviously I have tons to do this weekend and one of those things is to relax a little. My stress level is really high these days. I have so much swirling around in my head, so many things going on and am usually either feeling like I can't breathe or like I want to make someone else not breathe. I fear that this is only going to get worse as time goes on...

My Friday To-Do List:
1. Drop off my Externship time sheet
2. Pick up Monday's day sheet
3. Go & see my guy
4. Write out my shopping list
5. Go shopping
6. Pick up the house
7. Do laundry
8. Do all of my MBE homework
9. Do all of my SBM Essay homework
10. Do all of my Externship homework
11. Write out my bills
12. Balance my checkbook
13. File my papers
14. Write my guy
15. Get my allergy shot
16. Get my massage
17. Catch up on my TIVO
18. Catch up on my emails
19. Workout
20. Pick up my dry cleaning
21. Pick up our pictures
22. Continue cleaning out our closets and drawers
23. Take the munchkin trick-or-treating
24. Request my time off to study for my last final exams in law school
25. Make an appointment for the squeal in my car
26. Call my handyman to do some work on my porch
27. Look for the munchkin's math test that his teacher forgot to record
28. Call for my eye appointment
29. Copy last week's notes for my LSBFF
30. Write out the munchkin's school & soccer pictures
31. Try to reschedule my December dentist appointment
32. Try to reschedule my next Ortho appointment
33. Follow-up on my leave paperwork for The Bar
34. Get re-motivated
35. Get refocused for next week
36. Continue to commit to my healthy living
37. Plan our my week
38. Get organized
39. Get my shit together
40. Relax!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Deranged Soul In My Town

This week has been another crazy week here in j'lynn's world!

Monday I met a new intern at my Externship. She did everything I was always told not to do! She didn't wear a suit to court and actually dressed in khakis, a white tee-shirt with a multi-colored cardigan. She took personal calls while at the office on her cell phone. She didn't have anything with her other than her cell phone and her purse. Um hello?!? What are you going to take notes on or with?!?

Tuesday I had to follow the same attorney as the other intern and we were both given files the night before to review to do preliminary exams. I knew my exam wouldn't go, but we learned that her exam was definitely going. She had never done an exam before so I was trying to be supportive and telling her how mine went the week before...blah, blah, blah. Well she backed out and didn't do her exam. WTF?!? So not only did she miss out, but so did I! If she was not going to do it then she should have given the file to me! I wanted to do another exam! I was not a happy camper! BTW, she showed up in brown dress pants, a white t-shirt and a tan cardigan.

Wednesday As I was finishing up at work my ex-neighbor called to tell me that her daughter's ex-fiance was all over the news because he failed to show to court for his own preliminary exam for his charges of 2 counts of criminal sexual conduct in the 3rd degree. This doesn't seem newsworthy, but the fact that he kidnapped his 15 year old victim was definitely newsworthy. The Amber Alert went statewide and insider information started pouring into me and with every call things were going from crazy to down right scary! What started over 200 miles away from my town ended several hours later in a cemetery down the road from me. It appears from all outsider and insider accounts that I have received that hours before that van parked in my local cemetery he killed his 15 year old victim (who in his eyes was his girlfriend) and because he couldn't imagine his life without her he finally turned the gun on himself. By the time the swat team arrived both of them were dead inside the van parked in front of his grandparents grave site.

You would think this story couldn't get any worse. Well, you thought wrong. After he shot the girl in the chest and head he drove to his ex-girlfriend/baby-momma's house and showed her the body, told her he was going to end his life and left to finish what he started twelve hours earlier. He followed through on his promise and now two families are left with unanswered questions and tons of grief. My heart goes out to both families.

Today I finally balanced my checkbook and realized how broke I really am. Of course this was compounded when I opened a $340 bill from my school for my parking. It is going to be a little difficult paying that bill when I have less than $45 in my checking account for another 14 days... Nothing like adding to my stress these days. Just what I needed, huh?

Since the post sort-of took a nasty turn let me share some positives for the week! I've really tried to step up with my healthy living this week. I haven't been perfect, but I have managed to get my water in every day and really have tried to pay attention to what I'm eating. I haven't been within my target calorie range, but I feel positive about the direction I'm headed. Of course I picked up Mexican take out tonight for dinner, but I think I did okay with it. I guess we will see in a few days!

Consider it done:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38
Just getting started: 10, 11, 16, 20, 21, 34, 39, 40
Needs attention: 15, 24, 29, 31

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

One Step Back Really Is Three Steps Back

Why is it when you get behind one day it takes you several to catch up? I'm continuing to try to get stuff done around these parts. I'm really hoping that I will be uber productive the rest of this week and weekend to get back on track! Why is it so difficult?

My apologies for my brief posts during this time of playing catch-up...bear with me y'all! ;)

Consider it done:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37
Just getting started: 10, 11, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 34, 38, 39, 40
Needs attention: 13, 14, 15, 24, 29, 31

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Running A Little Behind

Going to the munchkin's final fall-season soccer game Saturday afternoon and then spending Saturday night in the ER has put my entire life behind schedule.

The munchkin got whacked in the forehead...or maybe he did the whacking since it was his head hitting some girl's knee Saturday night...and has a huge lump that has turned a pretty shade of black and blue, which is now turning into two nice shiners! Due to my paranoia and apparent desire to spend $100 on a co-pay we made our way into the ER for a few hours to make sure he was okay!

All of this has brought turmoil to my week. I definitely could have used those hours for something more productive, but obviously the munchkin comes first! I'm hoping by tomorrow night life will return to its normal level of hectic instead of this amped up version.

Sunday's stats...

Starting weight (7/8/09): 363lbs
Current weight: 321.8lbs
This week's results: -.8lbs
Total weight lost: -41.2lbs

Consider it done:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32
Just getting started: 10, 11, 16, 20, 21, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
Needs attention: 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 29, 31

Friday, October 22, 2010

It's The Weekend Y'all!

I know I've been "having a moment" for quite some time lately. This is likely stress induced. But I am happy to report that this past week I feel like I've been lifted from the fog! I'm now looking forward to having a very good and very productive weekend! What are your plans for this weekend?

My Friday To-Do List:
1. Go & see my guy
2. Write out my shopping list
3. Go shopping
4. Get my house cleaned/picked-up
5. Turn in my Externship time sheet
6. Find out if the munchkin's soccer team made the final tournament games for Saturday
7. Update munchkin's cub scout leader about whether he will be at Saturday's den meeting
8. Attend the munchkin's final fall game if they play
9. Do laundry
10. Do all of my MBE homework
11. Do all of my SBM Essay homework
12. Do all of my Externship homework
13. Write out my bills
14. Balance my checkbook
15. File my papers
16. Write my guy
17. Get my allergy shot
18. Get my unibrow, hairy lip & chin waxed
19. Get my monthly facial
20. Catch up on my TIVO
21. Catch up on my emails
22. Update my October budget
23. Update my calendar
24. Workout
25. Get our scripts refilled
26. Drop off my dry cleaning
27. Pick up my dry cleaning
28. Pick up our scripts
29. Workout
30. Get my pictures developed
31. Write out the munchkin's school & soccer pictures
32. Continue cleaning out our closets and drawers
33. Go through my papers & mail, which has been piling up for 2 weeks now
34. Get me some serious sleep
35. Get re-motivated
36. Get refocused for next week
37. Re-commit to my healthy living
38. Plan out my week
39. Get organized
40. Get my shit together


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/jlynnscrazylife

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's In The Mail, Honestly

Of course I'm talking about my Bar Application. I mailed that bitch out this afternoon. I was a little scared to take that step. What if I forgot something? What if I messed something up? One thing I can be proud of is the fact that I mailed it out 12 days early! Who's the woman now?!?

I also had my picture taken for our class composite.

Totally successful day in my book! I am totally exhausted from doing the Bar Application though. What a relief. Now I need to calendar out 8 weeks and wait to hear what I'm missing...

Consider it done:
1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23
Just getting started: 5, 10, 11, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26
Needs attention: 6, 7, 8, 9, 12

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Consider It Completed

This week I actually made all of my scheduled time at my Externship! Kudos to me!! Monday I attempted to shadow one of the attorneys Prof. Arrogance suggested I follow. I actually stood outside of her assigned courtrooms for about 50 mins waiting for her before I realized someone from the office whom I never met before was covering as my A's Girl called in sick. Once it was determined she was basically just adjourning all of the cases for a week and Funny Man from the office popped in saying he had 4 Prelims going I opted to follow him for the remainder of the day in court. Of course he worked my butt out making me go up 2 flights of stairs, then back down, and up one final time. Yikes! But I survived and we finally left court after 1pm.

Today I followed a younger defender and he basically let me run his entire docket in the courtroom for the morning. I was so scared yet excited. I did one bail hearing, which was totally granted (neither he nor I expected that to happen either) and the defendant even thanked me with a wink. Go figure he was just declared competent to stand trial in the last few days... I got one Prelim Exam adjourned and performed another one. It was so damn exciting. My newly adopted leader kept telling me how great I did after we were leaving. It made me feel so good. I was totally proud of myself.

When I left court my weekend was filled with so many errands I lost count! From there I swung by my chips & salsa place to recollect the money they owed me for the extra charge from two weeks ago. Then I went to the Federal Courts for a docket printout of one of my 3 litigation files to put with my Bar Application. Then I drove out and was fingerprinted twice for the Bar Application. Then I made my way to my ortho's office where I was told there was nothing he could do today for my wrist. I was not a happy camper.

I swung by one of the declared best pizza places in the area, but not for pizza...for their yummy yummy salad. I raced back home to go to the local court to get copies of my local litigation docket sheets and some of the pleadings. I wasn't sure I was going to make it before they closed, but I did. Heck, I even made it to the bank so I could get my money orders for the Bar Application. I went to Staples to get envelopes for my Bar Application and then finally headed home. That's when I did it...I hit "complete" on my Bar Application and printed it out. All that is left is to put it together, sign everything, get it notarized and put it in the mail!

All in all...today was a great day!! Of course this all left me exhausted tonight, plus I suspect I may have a little cold, but I'm trying to fight my way through it all...

Consider it done:
1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 2223
Just getting started: 5, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26
Needs attention: 6, 7, 8, 9, 12

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yes, I Have An Addiction...To Recipes

I love recipes. I think I have a bit of an addiction to them. I collect them and have an entire cupboard filled with them! I have a secret plan...er...hope that when my guy comes home he will type up and organize all my recipes. I've been told by some (yes Janice I'm calling you out! Ha!) to keep on dreaming! LOL But there is a downfall with my obsession. I rarely ever use any of the recipes I've collected. I fix the same things time after time. My other downfall...I suck at cooking!

From time to time I watch Top Chef and often think maybe I should take a cooking class, because I must confess that I am someone who can screw up boiling water. But every now and then I will keep a recipe out, add all the ingredients to my list of grocery shopping and maybe...just maybe I'll eventually get around to making that recipe.

Back in August I came across a recipe in an email I received from Hungry Girl. I added the ingredients to my shopping list and since I was going to have to throw out the crab I had bought if I didn't use it by this Thursday I decided to make the recipe today. So after doing my weekly weigh-in (see stats below) I whipped up HG's Ab-Fab Artichoke Crab Dip. It was very yummy. I wasn't so sure when I was cutting up the artichokes, but it turned out really good. It is definitely yummier the hotter you can make it (heat hot, not spicy hot) and eat it. So one more recipe goes back into the cupboard but this time it was actually made and passed the j'lynn's taste test! (Psst...if you want the recipe just click on the link above and you'll have it!)

Today's stats...

Starting weight (7/8/09): 363lbs
Current weight: 322.6lbs
This week's results: -3.4lbs
Total weight lost: -40.4lbs

Remember last week when I was all "I have to get back to basics"? Well, I didn't completely get back to basics every day, but I did do a decent job with trying to get back in the healthy groove and it obviously really paid off! I didn't workout due to my mental health crisis and my wrist situation, but I tried to do the best I could. I'm hoping to keep going with my momentum this week and keep kicking butt so I can finally crack the two mental stumbling blocks I apparently have...getting out of the 320's for good & losing over 50lbs. Since I'm feeling better mentally these days I think it will be easier. Plus Mother-Nature finally left a couple days ago and that always makes life better!

Consider it done: 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 23
Just getting started: 5, 11, 18, 21, 22
Needs attention: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 25, 26

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Losing Time While On A Roller Coaster

The last several days I definitely have been on a roller coaster in my life and have been experiencing some crazy things. Let me reflect for a few moments here...

Thursday night I went to Sam's Club and did some shopping. A lot of times in the morning I don't have time to eat anything and end up running through the drive through at Burger King or McDonald's and ordering a small diet coke and two sausage patties. I love me some sausage! So while I was at Sam's Club I saw this big box of Turkey Sausage Patties, individually wrapped. I was so excited, because this would be so much more cost effective and healthy for me! My aunt helped me haul our groceries in and we went about the rest of our business that night. The munchkin went to bed, my aunt went home and while I was getting a few things done before I went to bed I heard a cough come out of the munchkin's bedroom. I instantly thought to myself, "Oh...that's not good."

It was only one cough and the munchkin remained asleep so I finished what I was doing and made my way to bed. It was around 2am. At 3:30am the munchkin climbed into my bed and asked me to rub his back. He felt warm to me, but my son loves to wrap up in multiple blankets while he is sleeping and it isn't out of character for him to feel like he was in an oven when he comes out of a bed. We both feel back asleep. My cell phone alarm went off, I stood up and looked at my cell which read 5:40am Friday morning...the next thing I remember was walking into my bathroom, looking at my alarm clock which read 7:12am. Um, hello?!? I just lost an hour and a half. WTF?!? I must have went back to bed and have no memory of it. Great! The munchkin woke up too and was complaining how he didn't feel good. I checked his temperature and it was 101.6. Talk about changing the momentum of my weekend!

Since I took both Monday and Tuesday off from my life this week I really couldn't afford taking the day off again. I called my aunt to see if she could help and she came right out. Once she arrived and we had put a plan of action into place I told her that the night before when I crawled into bed I thought about my Turkey Sausage Patties and the fact that I didn't see them when I was hauling my groceries in and assumed she had brought them in on one of her trips and put them in the freezer. She, of course, had no idea what I was talking about and indicated she didn't haul them in either. I began to wonder what else I was going to lose since it appeared that so far that morning I had lost 1.5 hours and now an entire box of Turkey Sausage Patties!?! Since we put everything in the pantry on the washer so I could rearrange my shelves to fit everything in over the weekend. She then uncovered the box of Turkey Sausage Patties that she carried in the night before. In the garbage they went... She felt horrible and apologized several times because she didn't put it in the freezer. I told her that I was equally to blame since I should have double checked since I was the one that knew I had bought things that needed to be put in the freezer. I'm totally bummed though...

Due to the munchkin being home sick I called and canceled my new cleaning lady, which worked out well because her father-in-law was in the hospital just being diagnosed with Leukemia. My aunt took the munchkin to the doctor and he was diagnosed with strep throat. Fun, fun, fun... The munchkin was feeling a little better later in the day, so I opted to still go and see my guy after work, but before I could get there I had to swing by the Defender's Office, drop off my time sheet for the week before and pick up the day sheet for Monday. Then I was off to see my guy.

After a great visit, I was totally exhausted, but opted to still do the rest of my weekly grocery shopping. When I finally got home around 11pm last night I made sure I put away all of my perishable foods away, but left everything else out to be taken care of in the morning. I knew I had tons of errands to run Saturday morning so I set my alarm for 6:20am so I could get things done. I had a plan of attack and was going to be totally ready to hit the ground running. Well things didn't work out that way since I didn't get out of the bed until 7:50am. Lost another 1.5 hours this morning. This has became crazy and totally unacceptable!! Time to grow up j'lynn and get your shit together! Come on already! Ugh.... I quickly got myself ready, took off to get my oil changed and tires rotated, then off to the salon to get my highlights done and a hair cut. I was hoping to get my allergy shot in between these two errands, but thanks to my inability to get my ass out of bed this had to be moved to later in my morning.

While at the salon one of the new assistants started talking about how she and her 2 kids were looking for a place to live. They had just moved from up-north and she was in the midst of getting a divorce. I spout off how I have a 3 bedroom, 2 bath trailer she can buy. Her eyes totally lit up! That is exactly what she is looking for! I instantly got chills. She said she was going to drive by after work. She has a friend who will be moving with her, so she wants her to look at it too. Thinking or maybe hoping she would want to come in and look at it today I knew I was in trouble cleaning wise! It had been 3 weeks since my cleaning lady had been in and I know she isn't available for emergency calls so I made the call to my former cleaning lady and she came down and did the job for me! I was so appreciative that she was able to help me out!

While she was cleaning I finished up at the salon and finished my errands. I think I was home 10 minutes with my former cleaning lady when the potential buyer drove by. She didn't stop and come in though. Maybe she thought I had company and didn't want to intrude. I don't know. I was really hoping she would come in this afternoon fall in love with my house and this would actually be happening. It would certainly be a huge boost to me if this could happen. Please say an extra prayer for me guys...because this would be so great if this would happen for us!!!

After a little nap this afternoon I picked up some dinner, made my way to my aunt's and after chowing on a good steak we headed up to our annual trip back in time for Halloween. The munchkin was not able to make his last game of the fall season this morning and had to miss the trip to McDonald's with his team, because of being sick. He was totally bummed. He asked every hour if he could still go tonight. Since he was no longer contagious we opted to go and he had a pretty good time. You could tell he was still feeling punky though.

Even though I haven't accomplished as much this weekend as I wanted it has been one helluva roller coaster ride for the last couple of days. Now if only I could either recover those 3 hours I've lost in the last two days or figure out how to get my ass out of bed on time I might enjoy this ride a little more these days.

Consider it done: 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20
Just getting started: 11, 18, 21, 22
Needs attention: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26

Friday, October 15, 2010

Needing To Change Things Up

This past week has been very strange. I sort of feel like I'm on an emotional rollercoaster. One minute I'm depressed, one minute I feel happy. A lot of the time I feel frustrated, irritated and definitely exhausted. I feel like I need to make a big change in my life, but I cannot seem to make the change. I am a total night owl, but it is no longer working for me. I'm not able to get up in the morning like I need to or want to. I really wish I had this whole weekend to myself to make a bit of a switch up, but I don't. I still need to make the switch up, but it is going to be a little more complicated with all of the things I need to accomplish this weekend. I'm hopeful that I can change things up and get it together all at the same time, because something needs to give over here in my world. I'm tired of the way things have been in my life for a while now and if things don't change for the better I fear something bad may happen and I definitely don't want that nor do I need it right now.

I think a major part of my problem is my stress level. It is crazy high and I feel like if I could just get my Bar Application finished and mailed out I will feel a lot better or at a minimum my stress level would be cut in half.

Yesterday after class I was talking to my LSBFF who seems to be in the same spot I am these days, which is sad because I know how crappy "this" feels right now, but it was nice to know I'm not suffering through this alone. Would that be "misery loves company?" But she gave me some great advice...'let's not think about this for the rest of the day...just stop thinking for the day!' I did this and ended up feeling much better the rest of the day. Actually the later it got the better I felt. Thanks LSBFF! By the time I got home after work and making a run to Sam's Club, in the rain, I was in a pretty good mood. Now if I can just get this feeling to last...

My Friday To-Do List:
1. Go & see my guy
2. Write out my shopping list
3. Go shopping
4. Get my house cleaned/picked-up
5. Do laundry
6. Write out my bills
7. Balance my checkbook
8. File my papers
9. Do all of my MBE homework
10. Do all of my SBM Essay homework
11. Do all of my Externship homework
12. Write my guy
13. Get my hair did
14. Get my allergy shot
15. Get an oil change
16. Go to our annual Halloween Tour Back In Time
17. Finish up my bar application & mail it out
18. Catch up on my TIVO
19. Update my October budget
20. Get me some serious sleep
21. Get re-motivated
22. Get refocused for next week
23. Re-commit to my healthy living
24. Plan out my week
25. Get organized
26. Get my shit together

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Judging My Week On Hump Day. Verdict=Having A Moment

What a crazy week so far. I didn't go into my externship Monday so I could study for my midterms. Well, I didn't study that day...no shock there. I just can't seem to get it together. The one thing I did Monday was I took my two midterms. Or should I say Monday I failed my two midterms. But I've been attempting to not dwell on this fact and since I haven't confirmed this, yet, I will continue to try to not dwell on it. After we finished, some of the guys we've been in classes with since the start wanted to go for drinks. I had opted out, but then my LSBFF twisted my arm and I went for one drink. Things were good until on my drive home.

While I was making my way home I started feeling really achy, especially in my legs, hips and lower back. I figured it was just nerves. After I got home I ate a little something because I was starving and then all of a sudden it hit me. What "it" was I'm not sure, but I couldn't sit anymore, I couldn't look at anything anymore. I knew that I had to get to bed within the next minute or something bad was going to happen. I didn't know anything else other than I had to lay down. So I did just that. I ended up not going to my Externship Tuesday either, because of how I felt and I called into work too. I was hoping to get some sleep hoping that this was part of my problem, being exhausted.

Of course I couldn't fall back asleep once I woke up at 7am. Finally at 8:30am I got out of the bed, came out to the living room and started working on paperwork. I still wasn't feeling 100%, so I had some chicken noodle soup.

I think I finished my bar application that afternoon, but I have this fear of clicking on "complete"...but I don't know why. Maybe it is the fear that it will be incorrect or I will have forgotten something. But I'm committing to hitting "complete" in one week. Once I have my fingerprinting done next Tuesday and make a trip to my local courthouse to pick up some additional documents I need I will have to hit "complete" and make my way to the post office to mail that bad boy. How scary is that?!? YIKES!!!

Yesterday afternoon I also did some homework so that was good too.

I did make it to work today, so that is a positive or so my bosses think so!

I also decided to delete a few things from my to-do list, because of a few situations I've ran into.
The other good news is the fact that in 2 days the weekend will be here. Thank goodness.

Consider it done: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24***, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Just getting started: 9, 10, 11, 32
Needs attention: 12, 16*, 17**, 18, 25

*~~Since we are getting so close to getting the munchkin's Christmas pictures done I've decided to just combine them again like I did last year and get them all done at once in November/December...
**~~Due to the fact that I'm having to go back to my Ortho Surgeon for the cyst on my wrist, which has began hurting practically all day with every thing I do, I've decided to put this off for a week or two. Hopefully he will do what he did last year and it will stop hurting so I can get back to normal...at least till after the bar!
***~~I called to make a mani/pedi appointment while my salon is offering BOGO on Wednesdays this month, but of course there are no openings...ugh. I was able to schedule my birthday massage for the last Saturday of the month. I definitely think I need it...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I Have To Get Back To Basics

This weekend I was pretty productive, but on all the wrong things... I should have focused more on my homework and studying for my two midterms scheduled for tomorrow, but I didn't. Now I just have to deal with that. I have no one to blame other than myself. So I will do my best in the next 24 hours and then deal with the consequences of that when it comes. I can't change it and can only control the present and change for the future.

I had different plans for this weekend, but it didn't turn out the way I had hoped. Friday night after going to see my guy and grocery shopping I came home and got a few things done before I realized it was already 3am and made myself to go to bed. I had tons of errands that I needed to run Saturday morning and the majority of them had to be done before 1pm, so I set the alarm in my bathroom to get up at 9am. Of course I forgot to turn it on. Opps! Then I went to bed, started to catch up on Twitter and the next thing I knew I had something under me vibrating and it was light outside. I was a little disorientated before I realized that it was my phone under me in the bed vibrating. I passed out catching up on Twitter and forgot to switch off from vibrate and also didn't set that alarm either. It was almost 11am. Opps!!

I rushed around and got all of my errands done before places closed on me except getting my oil changed, but that really wasn't necessary and I have enough miles to go in my 5,000 miles to make it to next weekend with no problem, so it was all good! I made my way back to the house by about 2:30pm. I had hoped to be home much earlier so I could get lots more done, which would let me work on drafting my flashcards for my MBE midterm while watching the Alabama football game starting at 3:30pm. Well, that didn't happen. I watched the game and did laundry while watching the game and got a few other things done, of course none of that was school related.

After Alabama lost (which was heartbreaking for both my man and I) I continued to work on getting a few things done and then my former neighbor called me late last night and chatted my ear off for almost 2 hours. Again it was another late night and I went to bed at 4:00am. I didn't really want to go to bed, because I was feeling motivation to get things done, but I made myself go. This of course lead to me not getting up until 11:40am this morning, which put me behind. I had no desire to work on homework so instead I worked on my bar application and a few other things until almost 7pm. Then I started working on homework, so I've made very little progress in that area and now I'm out of time, so I'm hopeful that tomorrow I'll go to court in the morning for my Externship and then get a few hours of studying in before I take my tests.

I think my main problem with this semester is that I'm just not mentally ready to start to even think about preparing for the bar let alone having to do it for classes. Combine that with my senioritis and I'm having issues, but I need to get it together! I think I need to take myself back to basics. I haven't felt this mentally blocked with school since my 2L year, so I need to really get my shit together. I only really have about 8 weeks of school left so I now is the time to get it together! I will take my midterms tomorrow and move on...hopefully as a better student to finish on a high note, not feeling like a schmuck!

The other area of my life that I have to get back to basics is my battle of the bulge. I knew today's weigh in was going to be horrible. Today's stats...

Starting weight (7/8/09): 363lbs
Current weight: 326lbs
This week's results: +6lbs
Total weight lost: -37lbs

I ate like crap last week and ate out a lot and when I ate out I ate a lot! So I need to get back to basics and take control back. I have no choice. What I'm doing is stupid. I'm tired of playing this back and forth game. What am I doing other than wasting time and constantly getting upset with myself? I sure as hell am not making myself feel good with this constant gain one week, lose the next, gain the following week, back and forth constantly. So I'm getting back to basics...

Consider it done:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Just getting started: 9, 10, 11, 32
Needs attention: 12, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25

Friday, October 8, 2010

Strikingly Similar

So this is my first Friday To-Do List at the age of 34. Hmmm...It is strikingly similar to my lists at the age of 33. LOL

My Friday To-Do List:
1. Go & see my guy
2. Write out my shopping list
3. Go shopping
4. Pick up the house
5. Do laundry
6. Write out my bills
7. Balance my checkbook
8. File my papers
9. Do all of my MBE homework
10. Do all of my SBM Essay homework
11. Do all of my Externship homework
12. Write my guy
13. Pick up my referral
14. Get my allergy shot
15. Pay my pharmacy tab
16. Get the munchkin's birthday pictures taken
17. Workout
18. Continue cleaning out our closets and drawers
19. Continue to work on my bar application
20. Catch up on my emails
21. Catch up on my TIVO
22. Update my October budget
23. Update my calendar
24. Make some extra pampering appointments
25. Get my pictures developed
26. Get me some serious sleep
27. Get re-motivated
28. Get refocused for next week
29. Re-commit to my healthy living
30. Plan out my week
31. Get organized
32. Get my shit together

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Continuing My Birthday Joy

I have a history with my birthday...a lot of people forget about it. I find this amazing since I like to think the world revolves around me. But this year was different. Look at all of the people who remembered me this year...
  • SparkPeople.com emailed me at 1:00am;
  • PTO emailed me at 1:01am;
  • Captain texted me at 6:50am;
  • My LSBFF emailed me at 7:27am
  • My man called me at 7:30am;
  • My insurance agent emailed me at 9:24am;
  • My bro BBM'd me at 9:26am;
  • My aunt called me at 2:37pm;
  • My man called me again at 2:45pm;
  • Chica texted me at 3:35pm;
  • EJ BBM'd me at 9:19pm;
This didn't even include my mom or co-workers! I definitely felt special all day yesterday! I have the greatest people in my life and am so lucky!!

But this year was a little different, because it ended up being the first year since I can remember that I didn't have a birthday cake...weird, huh?

Since our schedules were so busy last night the munchkin and I couldn't connect for dinner or anything so we planned on doing dinner tonight. Well he called and asked me to get him a cheese pizza for my birthday dinner. LOL He cracks me up. He decided we would get pizza from Happy's, which of course lead me to order wings and shrimp too. I totally over ordered, but whatever... Of course the munchkin was more interested in the pizza than me for my "birthday dinner" together. Ha!

Consider it done: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 32
Just getting started: 12, 15, 18, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31
Needs attention: 13, 14, 16, 17

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Officially In My Mid-Thirties

Today I turned 34. Thirty-four. Holy crap! I am officially in my mid-thirties. I probably was last year too, but I was still confident in saying I was in my "young thirties" but I don't think it will still fly at 34, do you?

After all was said and done it was a good day. Work was hell, but whatever! Lunch with co-workers for chips & salsa! Dinner with mom for Italian (Olive Garden)! I did a lot of thinking today...I'll get to more of that later...but for now I'm just going to continue to enjoy the fact that today is all about me! :)

Consider it done: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 32
Just getting started: 12, 15, 18, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31
Needs attention: 13, 14, 16, 17

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Got On The Record & I Loved Every Minute Of It!!!!!!

So I met with Miami Vice this morning, because I now have to start filling out time sheets at my Externship. Odd, but whatever. Of course when we spoke yesterday I was told he would be at the office from 8:30am-8:55am. So I got there around 8:35am and then I waited and waited and waited. Finally at 8:50am Miami Vice showed up and admitted he was dragging. We talked a bit and I agreed I would follow him for the morning.

I met Miami Vice at the courthouse a few minutes later...after I ran into my LSBFF! :) Nothing like running into your LSBFF to brighten your day! (Thanks LSBFF!!) Apparently they were giving out a free set of steak knives in addition to a felony and jail/prison time, because everyone and their brother was there this morning. I swear to God there were like 250 people in line waiting to get in and I'm not counting jurors, attorneys and us interns!

We ran around like crazy with the few clients of Miami's and got them all taken care of in less than an hour so then he shipped me off to the first young defender I followed weeks ago. She was swamped, but she did give me an opportunity to get on the record! Twice!! Two sentencing hearings! I was totally stoked and I want to do it every single day now!! Woo-hoo! And what was most thrilling is when she told me how great I did! She even said she was impressed at my demeanor, my decorum, and the deference I gave to the Court! She even said that my introductory request to practice speech was the best she had ever heard. (Again, I have my LSBFF to thank for that!!! Thank you LSBFF!!!!)

By then it was time to go as we were done for the morning and I had to go to my other job. I can't even say my "real" job, because I want my externship to be my "real" job!! My afternoon sucked there, but that is the status quo these days there. I finally left there around quarter to 7pm and other than stopping for gas I made my way home. I was hoping to get some things done tonight, but that didn't really happen. And after I watch Sons of Anarchy I'm off to bed...

Consider it done:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 32
Just getting started: 12, 15, 18, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31
Needs attention: 13, 14, 16, 17

Monday, October 4, 2010

Took The Day

I decided to take the day today and got some serious sleep and then worked on my bar application...all frickin' day! My house is destroyed, primarily my bedroom, looking for supporting documentation to send in with it. I probably should move the "get organized" number back to "needs attention" as a result of this, but it feels good to have so much of my application done. Now I need to just get my supporting docs together, send out my requests, make all of my fingerprint appointments, and mail that sucker in. I will be able to breathe semi-normally again once I get this turned in for the first go round. I don't care if they send me a large list of crap I have to follow up on, because I will have at least gotten the first part in on time!

My goal is to get this finished and mailed out before the 18th, which is still 2weeks before the due date!!!

Consider it done:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 32
Just getting started: 12, 15, 18, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31
Needs attention: 13, 14, 16, 17

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Uh Oh...

I may very well be coming down with something. I've been chilled all day today, exhausted even though I slept for like 11 hours, still have a headache, and just feeling off. I was hoping to be in the bed pretty early tonight, but my munchkin started experiencing some problems with his belly after he tried to go to bed. This may be due to the slim jim or very small burrito he ate pretty late, but my munchkin is definitely a drama queen. Daym son!! I just don't know where he gets this from. Ha!

In other news I did get my butt up, showered, weighed in and out of the house to get a couple things done. I'm just not sure if that will happen tomorrow. I so need to nip this feeling in the bud. However, one good thing came from today and that is
Today's stats...

Starting weight (7/8/09): 363lbs
Current weight: 320lbs
This week's results: -1.8lbs
Total weight lost: -43lbs

Consider it done:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 32
Just getting started: 15, 18, 19, 28, 30, 31
Needs attention: 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 26, 27

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Is My Two-Day Headache The Cause For My Lack Of Motivation?

I had scheduled yesterday off from work since I had my annual eye appointment to get my eyes dilated, which I don't handle well for some reason. I suspect this is because I'm prone to ocular migraines. Knowing this I also knew that I needed to get my other errands ran before my 10:45am appointment.

Once I completed my errands and finished my doctor's appointment I came home with a headache. All I really wanted to do was take a nap and had every intention of making this happen, but my plan didn't happen. Instead I pushed through my crazy eye situation and drafted my weekly journal entry for my externship after which I headed up to see my guy. The entire time I had a dull headache, which has bleed over to today.

Even though I got up at 8:40am this morning I feel like I've accomplished nothing. I meant to go to the post office before they closed this morning and I forgot. I had planned on doing my grocery shopping tonight after I took my aunt and uncle to dinner, where I begged for them to help me with the fees for taking the bar, but it was cold and rainy plus I still had my headache so I opted to come home. I've gotten a few things done tonight, but not a lot of things, which totally sucks...

I enter every weekend hoping to get so much done, but it doesn't seem to happen. I think maybe my constant running during the week just wears me out so much that I have no motivation to get stuff done Saturday and Sunday. Or maybe it is because I have so much to do it blocks me from getting motivated. Maybe I'm just hitting senior-itis. Regardless of the reasons why, I know is it has got to change. Of course I still have my headache tonight and now my stomach is feeling a little bubbly too. Go figure...

Consider it done:
1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 20, 21, 22, 32
Just getting started: 8, 15, 18, 19, 25
Needs attention: 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hello October

My Friday To-Do List:
1. Get my license renewed
2. Get my eyes dilated
3. Get my allergy shot
4. Go & see my guy
5. Write out my shopping list
6. Go shopping
7. Pick up the house
8. Do laundry
9. Write out my bills
10. Balance my checkbook
11. File my papers
12. Write my guy
13. Do all of my MBE homework
14. Do all of my SBM Essay homework
15. Do all of my Externship homework
16. Get the munchkin's birthday pictures taken
17. Workout
18. Continue cleaning out our closets and drawers
19. Continue to work on my bar application
20. Catch up on my emails
21. Catch up on my TIVO
22. Catch up on my blog reading
23. Update my September budget
24. Work on my October budget
25. Get me some serious sleep
26. Get re-motivated
27. Get refocused for next week
28. Re-commit to my healthy living
29. Plan out my week
30. Get organized
31. Get my shit together
32. Make an appointment with my ortho