Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Up In Flames

In the past 48 hours I've gotten very little sleep. It isn't the smallest amount I've ever received, but it is still very little. Monday night I started working on the first issue in my brief, which is due today at 5pm, sometime after midnight. So does that technically make it Tuesday that I started on this piece of homework?!? It really doesn't matter! I crawled into bed that night/morning around 4am. I set my alarm for 9am, but my man was nice enough to call and wake me up at 8:50am Tuesday morning! I love it when he does that! It is such a nicer way to wake up than to an alarm clock! After our call ended, I hit the books!! Okay...maybe the interenet first but by 10:30am I was well under way with homework. I called it quits last night a little after 2am. I saved and printed what I'm going to turn in before 5pm this afternoon. I'll fix whatever mistakes next weekend when I tackle the rest of my issues!

Needless to say, even with a wake up call from my mother this morning~~I've gotten really good at faking 'no, I'm up!'~~I over slept. I'm rocking the dirty hair pony tail and hit the road after throwing everything in my numerous bags. Almost to work, cruising at approximately 82mph, looking for good tunes on my non-satellite radio (sorry, but the budget just doesn't allow me to pay for something I can get for free!), it happens...I burst into flames! Okay...maybe there was no 'bursting' and maybe no 'flames' either, but my frickin' arm felt like it was on fire!! Of course this would be my arm inside my winter coat, which is of course zipped up! The more I shook my arm, the further the burning sensation went up my arm. I don't know if the pain was worse than the fear of literally going up in flames, but without losing speed and looking like a total spaz I quickly unzipped my coat enough to pull my arm out of my coat. The process of the actual burning had ceased, but the pain remained...over an hour later it is still stinging.

Of course my first concern was that I was going to literally go up in flames, but once that subsided and I assured myself, which included some begging to God, that the actual "fire" was out I had to wait to get to work to inspect the full damages incurred. I'm very happy to report that my self-inflicted injuries appear to be very minor, but very painful. Some red skin, but no big blisters or anything like that and no read damage to my shirt or my coat, but I do suspect the pain will remain for some time.

Having survived my own stupidity (yes, I was flicking a butt out the window when this happened and thank God that it wasn't the butt that ended up in my coat sleeve) this morning I wanted to immediatly go back to bed. Once I was at work with some spray on my burn, and trying to get things together I picked up my purse only to realize that I had a pen in my hand without the cap on and just wrote with blue ink on my lime green top. Seriously?!? Wasn't the bright red mark on my arm enough to draw people's attention today. Come on people!!

Consider it done: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Just getting started: 6, 12, 13
Needs attention: 14, 15

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