Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What A Strange Day...

I could not get my day going today. This could be due to lack of sleep last night. Of course I could have came home at any point and went straight to sleep; however, I had stuff to do: allergy shot, voting, & studying.

After work I stopped to the gas station on my way to get my allergy shot and as I was leaving a newly homeless child assisted me with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, him. I don't know if it was because I looked like a soft touch or it was because I had started blaring Eminem as I was waiting to pull out, but he obviously felt comfortable with me, because he hollered at me to see if I had a "smoke" he could have. He looked really young to me so of course I responded, "Um...how old are you?" He then began his life story with "I'm 16, but I just got kicked out of my house and I have no where to go. All I'm asking for is a smoke." So being the softy that I am I yelled, 'You better hustle' and proceeded to hand him the cigarette I already had lit. The kid did look incredibly sad and more than a bit dejected sitting on the embankment. And he could have tried to BS me and say he was 18, which I would never have bought! Hell, I remember smoking at 16 and I didn't give him a whole pack...just one damn newly-used cigarette. Hope he enjoyed it and hopefully he found somewhere to stay tonight...

Last week while getting my allergy shot I asked the Nurse Nice what was Nurse Ratchet's problem. She told me she is a bitch to everyone. Well, I'm curious now if Nurse Nice said something to Nurse Ratchet, because she was as sweet as pie to me today. Interesting... Heck she even cracked a joke as I was leaving tonight.

After the doctor's office I was on my way to vote in our primaries. Stopped at a red light I looked around, which is pretty normal for me. I look over to my left and 3 lanes away some guy in a pick-up truck is looking at me. In that instance I thought it was one of the guys who did the work on my house yesterday and that thought was solidified when he waved at me. So I waved back. Then he mouthed, "How you doin'?" And as I'm mouthing back, across three lanes, "Good. You?" I realize this isn't the guy who did work on my house yesterday. I don't even know this man! Opps!!

So I got my shot & I voted...as for studying, well I didn't get much of that done tonight. Just as I was getting ready to dig into it my munchkin & my aunt came home. So much for that... Oh well, hopefully I will get some more reading done on the treadmill tomorrow and maybe do a practice test Thursday night and take the test Friday. Can I still pass?! Let's hope & pray!!

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