Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

One of my famous hodge-podge posts...

What a day Monday was. I wore a whole new outfit and felt great in it! I got several compliments on my top and while I was in the elevator I had sinister thoughts about wearing my top as a dress for my man (within the confines of the house, of course) since it was about an inch past my fingertips. I thought...pair it up with my new black boots and woowzers! hehe Then the hammer came crashing down on my feeling great and sexy when I got off the elevator, went and weighed in @ WWs and found out I stayed the same. Ugh...I stayed out of the halloween candy and only ate one tootsie roll Saturday and what do I have to show for that and the hour and fifteen minutes of walking that same night? Nada!!

I tried putting a positive spin on it in my head that at least I didn't gain, right? I know what my problem is. I have a new addiction...a Wendy's Single w/Cheese on the weekends. I need to break that addiction pronto!! I do so great during the week, but the weekend while I'm struggling with my homework and trying to get everything else done that I need to get done I become weak and begin craving Wendy's! I haven't really ate Wendy's in years until here lately. WTF?! Okay...I have to get this under control.

So feeling deflated, I went back to work and tried to get as much done as I could since I have Tuesday off to work on my response motion due Thursday night. That worked fairly well. I have about 4 things on my desk that I really wanted to get done before I left @ 5pm, but I didn't. Well, there is always Wednesday!

I had absolutely no desire to go to class, especially Litigation. I should have listened to my gut and skipped and read for PR instead. The class just felt like a waste. Both MyMormonGirl & I are totally lost in what we did and irritated that we actually went to class. And my thoughts were reaffirmed when I was called on in PR and wasn't prepared. :( I had a horrible feeling all day that I would be called on in PR and it wasn't going to be pretty. My feeling was so strong that I had decided that if I ran in to Prof. D in the halls before class I was going to kill off a family member and ask not to be called on due to that family death...

My gut was correct...I was called on in PR and the look on my face must have told one hell of a story, because Prof. D asks, "ms. j'lynn did you have an opportunity to look at this?" I wasn't sure which way I should play this out and in a split-second I went with honesty and said that no I had not. He didn't say a word, wrote something down and moved on to the next person. I'm 99% sure he wrote down "Nail her ass Wednesday!" So Tuesday @ home is going to be super busy...writing my brief and now reading/catching up for PR!

Before I left work my man called to tell me he was packing up. His security level is being decreased back down to the lowest after that whole episode back in April. This is great!! But it now seems like that means he is leaving where he is and being sent somewhere else, so we will spend the next couple of days waiting and wondering where he will end up. He will know where before I do, but I will know before he calls me...got to love the internet! LOL

My phone rang again around 11pm and it was my man telling me he was told he was headed back down state to where he was the first time I got to visit him after he left county. Of course we have learned a long time ago...until it happens, we don't believe rumors and stories! So instead of being 6 hours away, my man may be only 1 hour away within days. These two calls have left us with conflicting feelings...we loved the psych up where he was and we were both looking forward to him having to do his one last class with her. She was really great and he really liked her and felt comfortable opening up to her! But to be moved much closer is awesome!! It means visits more regularly!!! Of course, that also puts some added pressure on my schedule. I will want to visit more frequently, but my schedule won't allow me to go as much as I would like and that will suck! So like I said...many conflicting emotions about this. Now we just wait and see.


  1. I know why you are craving Wendys: my chili

    I didn't stay out of the halloween candy nor the icecream nor the pumpkin bread and pumpkin pie. Nor have I walked at all since going back to work. First it was rainy and now daylight savings has robbed me and its dark when I get out of work. Looks like we'll be joining a gym. AARRGGHH

    YAY for your man being closer! *hugs* that would totally rock the casba (cazba??) lol and you could wear your shirt as a dress with leggings when you visit him :)

  2. Well...I think your chili screwed me! LOL Actually I had already started my spiral out of control, but I think your chili pushed me over the edge girl!

    I haven't had any of that stuff...well, except the 2 gallons of no sugar added ice cream I bought a couple weeks ago...that shit is long gone! LOL

    If only I could wear that shirt with leggings...I have a feeling that I would be denied entry for "too tight" clothing. They are VERY strict here! I mean....REALLY STRICT!! But that is a great idea...I like the way you think girlfriend! hehehehe

    I'm hoping to be able to go Friday! :D
