Welcome to My World!!

My photo
From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Updates Will Come Soon, I Promise...

My Friday To-Do List:
1. Bust my ass at work
2. Go & see my guy
3. Write out my grocery list
4. Go shopping
5. Do laundry
6. Pick up the house
7. Write out my bills
8. Balance my checkbook
9. File my papers
10. Write my guy
11. Workout
12. Get me some sleep
13. Catch up on my emails
14. Catch up on my TIVO
15. Catch up on reading my blogs!
16. Write my "bitch" letter about issues with my guys' facility
17. Follow-up on my email to the registrar's office
18. Write out the thank you notes for the munchkin's first communion
19. Do the rest of my S&L homework
20. Work on my S&L paper
21. Prepare for my guy's hearing
22. Book my room for my guy's hearing
23. Attend my guy's hearing
24. Pack for our weekend trip for Memorial Day weekend
25. Get ready for my Tax class
26. Do all of my Tax homework, if any
27. Cancel my waxing & facial appointment
28. Reschedule my waxing & facial appointment
29. Start planning the munchkin's birthday party
30. Get re-motivated
31. Refocus for next week
32. Refocus with WWs
33. Plan out my week
34. Get organized
35. Get my shit together
36. Update my new calendar!


  1. Jeez!!! It IS Friday, ya know. LOL! Need some relax time penciled in. That's what I can't wait for. Oh, there it is...#12. Ha!

  2. Debbie~~LMAO!!!! hehehe Thanks!
