Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Hump-Day Hodge-Podge

The first hump-day of the new year. Woo-hoo...

Last night like a fool I stayed up way too late. Finally getting into bed at 3:30am and set my alarm for 6:30am. I had the craziest dream that someone in my family was a serial killer and was murdering people right in left in the house if he was alone for more than 30 seconds. Of course we lived in some huge mansion with several "wings" and all my mother was talking about was how I hadn't vacuumed like my father does. I found this hysterical, because my father doesn't vacuum and no one in my family lives in a huge mansion or even close to it! I swear the stairway was wider across inside this house than the actual width of my home... In response to her complaining I yelled at her that I thought it would be more beneficial to find the psychopath relative before he found another victim then the one piece of fuzz she found on the carpet... I woke up once from the dream and fell back asleep and went right back for round #2. By then the cops were on their way and in the end I had to hold my mother back from trying to prevent psychopath relative from turning himself in, which he wanted to do...apparently he was tired of killing family members in our home. Of course my mother turned this on me telling me I must make a horrible criminal defense attorney since I just let him walk right out into the arms of the waiting police with the blood literally still on his hands. I was thinking that was better then to keep chasing him in the house to see who he murdered in our family next. No, I have no idea what this dream was about or why I couldn't seem to escape it. And no...I had not taken any Nyquil last night either...

I got up at 7, which wasn't half bad between the little amount of time I was actually in the bed and the little amount of sleep I got with a psychopath relative running around in my dreams killing my loved ones. I knew I would be dragging pretty much all day. I was amazed that I did as much Bar studying as I did this morning, especially for the lack of sleep I got! And I made it to the gym again today. Two days in a row! Now that is amazing all by itself! It would be more amazing if I had gotten more studying done this afternoon or this evening, but I'm trying to pace myself. Ha!

Of course I pulled something in my upper back at the gym. Of course it had nothing to do with actually working out... It happened while I was putting my stuff in the little cube while talking on my cell with my friend Faye. When it happened it took my breathe away and it is still sore. Hopefully a little BioFreeze tonight on it will help it work its way out, because my plan is to head back to the gym tomorrow and do weights again. Since I had just done weights yesterday my plan was just to do some time on the treadmill. I had originally thought I would kick it up a notch today to 30 mins, but I stuck with my 20 mins, because I was so late in getting to the gym this afternoon. Of course I stopped to Sonics afterwards to pick up my jumbo Diet Coke since I had consumed all 64 ozs of my water. It was really great since it was during their happy hour & it was 1/2 price. Sonics still rocks!! The only downside to this whole liquid equation is the amount of times I'm running to the bathroom. Apparently my bladder is the size of a golf ball and it apparently is no match for the 108ozs of fluids I'm sucking down in about 12 hours.

For the most part it was a pretty great day today. Well, minus the back muscle thing. Oh yeah and the munchkin's apparent recent development of alzheimer's. He has "forgotten" his homework packet at school every night this week. I'm about to come unglued on his ass. WTF dude?! So I'm hoping my threat that if he forgets it tomorrow night and doesn't have it finished in time we will not be going to Monster Jam Saturday night. It is all on him. Of course I'm a bit irritated that his babysitter, who picks him up from school everyday & knows that he has forgotten it every night this week & that it is an issue, didn't think to ask him before they left the school this afternoon. Then she tells me I should take something away from him for forgetting it and claiming it isn't his fault for forgetting it. Seriously? You couldn't ask him before you left the school today & resolve this issue? Come on, a little help here...trying to concentrate on studying for the Bar over here!

Oh yeah...and even though we took our finals way back on November 30th our grades still aren't posted. Again I ask, WTF Dude?! All I need to know is if I passed, because I now only need 1 credit out of the possible 4 I took to graduate, because I know I received the 3 from my Externship.

I cannot seem to warm up today. I don't know, maybe it is the 108 ozs of ice cold fluids running through my body or maybe it is because it is in the low 20's and I refuse to turn the heat up any higher than 69 degrees in the house. I want to boil a bucket full of water and just submerge myself in it.

Last, but not least on this hump day...none of my garbage or recycling was picked up. I guess it would have been too much trouble for the over-paid trash man to get out of his truck and put the cans where the machine arm could reach out and pick it up. I called and complained and I bet when I get up in the morning the trash and the recycling will still be full, sitting out on my street. I so need one of them there union jobs....

Consider it done:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
Just getting started: 34, 35
Needs attention: 10, 26

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