Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lotions & Potions

Yes folks I know that in the new year my posts have been...well, should we say blah! Basically they have revolved around 3 things in my life...my weight (i.e. what I'm eating/calorie content), working out (yes, I'm still on a roll here), and studying for the Bar (or my lack thereof). I probably should apologize for that, but in all essence that is what I have going on over here...trying to eat healthier, working out and sticking to it, and attempting to study for the Bar. That's basically it. It is a pretty ho-hum time in j'lynn's world!

But let us not forget that it is winter time while I'm trying to eat healthier, workout and study. What comes with the winter months, especially in my freezing neck of the woods? Snow, ice, wind, cold temps and some dry ass skin!

I'm not a girly-girl, but I'm also not an anti-girly-girl. I'm just average. I like getting pampered just like everyone else. I love a good massage, a pretty mani, a delicious pedi, and even though I get monthly facials to help with my crazy skin I love the relaxing part of it most. I buy lotions like every other chick out there. Right now on the table next to where I live in my living room there are currently 5 different lotions. A coconut body lotion, a bottle of Curel Ultra Healing Intensive lotion, a renewal lotion (which is a part of my morning and night face routine), a bottle of Pheromone Luxurious Body Moisture, and a bottle of Aveda hand relief lotion. And if you thought this was bad you should see all of the lotions and potions I have in my bathroom!!

One would think with this load of lotions that I'd have the softest, most hydrated skin of all the land, but that so is not the case. You ask, "why?" Well because even with all the lotions around me I always forget to use them! I always put them off and forget to apply lotion. I will remember at some point, but it will be at inopportune moments...like while I'm driving or on the treadmill at the gym. I'll be in the middle of a conversation and think, 'Oh, my hands are so dry I should really put some lotion on.' I'll get into bed and my dry heel will catch on my new silky sheets and I'll think, 'Damn! I need to put some lotion on my feet tomorrow.' Tomorrow comes, later comes, and that fleeting thought is gone from my addled brain leaving my skin to get dryer and dryer.

Some of my lotions have sat on my table or in my bathroom for far too long and I probably should clean them away and toss them out, but then I think of how much money I've spent on them or the fact that the bottle they are in is just too cute and looks nice where it is. So my lotion lives on while I continue through life with my dry hands, elbows and feet.

One nice thing of being off to study all this time...I'm remembering more often to lotion up. So finally...I'm using some of my lotions and potions. Getting my skin more hydrated and less icky and dry. Or else it is just another way I procrastinate from studying... Either way by the time I take the Bar I figure my skin will be picture perfect. Just in time to start drying out again come February 28th when I return back to my normal life.

Consider it done: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Just getting started: 17, 18
Needs attention: 8, 10

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