Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Runny Day Brings Happiness Later

I wasn't sure how this morning was going to go...A couple days this week I felt like I had lost, but then yesterday with basically eating out the whole darn day I was nervous. Plus yesterday and this morning I was feeling like I had totally gained.

I tried to do my best while I was at lunch with my LSBFF, which I loved every single minute of and which was crazy delicious. While there I feel like I tempted the healthy living Gods by selecting the lunch buffet. I know, what was I thinking?!? But I did good! I think I did very good.

My first trip through I had a plate of salad and instead of eating my dressing I wore most of it. Thank you runny ranch dressing! My second trip through I had some mixed veggies, which were pretty yummy, a delicious pork mini-burrito, some chicken stir-fry, which wasn't so yummy, and some catfish beignets, which were to die for!! I skipped the dirty rice and the meatloaf, which I found was an odd addition to the buffet. The pork mini-burrito and the catfish beignets were so yummy I totally could have went for another plate piled high, but I didn't. I called it done and shockingly by the time we left I was perfectly content with my selections and was in that range of perfectly full, not stuffed.

After getting a chance to chat with my LSBFF over the yummy food I left there and drove out to see my honey. This is where my day got crazy!! By the end of the night or I really should say the middle of our visit we realized that my new black shirt was "bleeding" all over. At first we just thought maybe I was uber cold since my hands had a purple tint to them. It was very cold out, but we were inside, a poorly heated room, but purple hands?! Then all of a sudden I realized that my guy's white shirt was now dirty. Um yeah...it was dirty from being under my arm. My black shirt was just letting its colors run wherever it wanted. His shirt, my new white tank top underneath. It didn't seem to matter. Thank god we were on some nasty brown ol' state owned chairs. I felt horrible. This would be the second shirt of his that he left with my marks on. The first was my makeup left on the shoulder of his red shirt when we said bye a few weeks back. So not only do I apparently not know how to apply my makeup at the age of 34...I can't pick out clothes and keep them from leaving their mark all over.
I guess between my salad dressing and my shirt it was just sort of a runny kind of day!

At the end of our five hours together I left and was starting to feel a little hungry, but more importantly I knew I had to get some serious water in me on my way home or else I was going to get home at 10:30pm and still have over 32 ozs to drink. So in only the second time since my healthy lifestyle re-kicked itself off back on January 3rd I ate fast food. I ran through a McDonald's drive thru and picked up a cheeseburger and 2 bottles of water.

So this morning when I woke feeling like my PJ's were tighter than the last time I wore them I was definitely nervous getting on the scale. Today's stats are...

Starting weight (7/8/09): 363lbs
Current weight: 315lbs
This week's results: -3.8lbs
Total weight lost: -48lbs

I can't believe it!! I couldn't! I just stood and stared at the number! The lowest I've been in a really, really long time! And well ahead of my goal, according to SparkPeople.com! So, since I have restarted my healthy lifestyle and been hitting the gym I have lost a total of 8.6lbs. I find this amazing. So I have now lost all of the weight I gained over the holidays plus another 1.6lbs. Yay me!! I guess hard work does really pay off!

Now I just need to incorporate that into the other areas of my life.

Consider it done:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 16
Just getting started: 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18
Needs attention: 10, 11, 15

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