Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Monday, July 5, 2010

A Long Post To End The Holiday Weekend

This long holiday weekend has been filled with several ups, but a few downs as well. With the biggest down occurring today, I thought I would reflect a little on those this evening as I begin to get ready to face another week packed full of work and school...

Friday night was my usual evening of seeing my guy and then going grocery shopping. The visit was good except for the fact that it was the first time in a long time when leaving him that I could have cried had I let myself. I think it is the combination of my hormones and the waiting game we are still playing as we continue to wait for the results from his hearing. I went on to the grocery store and did the little bit of shopping I needed to do for the week and then came home. One thing seemed to lead to another and before I realized it, it was 4:00am! Off to bed I went!

Saturday morning I woke up and moved slower than a turtle all day, which really is the speed I have been set on all weekend! I got lots of personal stuff done throughout the day, watched one of the cutest movies I've seen in a long time that night, When in Rome! Typical "Rom-Com" but I love them so it was great. At one point about 7:00pm Saturday night I debated going to bed early that night. Well, that didn't happen and I didn't find myself crawling into the bed until 5:00am that night! Whoops! I figured I better set the alarm on my phone for 11am, just in case!

My guy called me at 9:00am Sunday morning to wish me a Happy 4th of July! :) I spoke to him for 15 minutes and rolled over and went back to sleep. When I woke up, hearing my alarm, I was shocked to learn that it was 12:30pm and not 11am! Yikes! I got up, got ready, got things done around the house for our 'Not Even A Small Gathering' that evening. After getting things done, I realized I only had 2 hours before the family arrived, so I opted to write my bitch letter to my guy's facility instead of working on homework! Seemed rational to me. Plus I had all day the next day to work on homework, right?!

I went to bed last night late at 2:00am knowing I had to get up for the DirecTV guy coming today between 12pm & 4pm. My man called me at frickin' 8:17am this morning! He forgot that today was a federal holiday and I didn't have to work. Opps! We talked...well, I think he talked and I mumbled things. I had my alarm set for 10am anyways. I was up and got ready. I was totally ready to dive into my tax reading this afternoon, but I've had a hard time "waking up" all day. This was only compounded by the fact that the DirecTV guy told me I have no hope of getting a signal where I have to maintain my dish according to my park's rules.
I attempted to call the "Courtesy Officer" supplied by my park "to immediately address an incident" which failed, because he didn't answer. I even tried to call the Management Emergency number provided, which failed on an even larger scale because the mailbox on that phone was full! What the hell is the point of giving us emergency numbers if no one is there to address my emergency?!? WTF people?! Customer Service at its best I presume!
So...he took the shit down!

I've spent the rest of the day staring at a blank TV realizing that even though I was not going to turn it on, because the plan was to do homework all frickin' day it is really bothering me to be so out of touch with the outside world! How the hell can people go without TV?!? I'm so not built for the 1800's!! I can't even make it 24 hours knowing I don't have the option of turning it on!! I've called around to look at other options, which has boiled down to one. Cable. Charter Cable. From what I've read, it sounds like my park has prepared me for Charter Cable's customer service treatment. Nice... But before I launch back into the cable world, which I have pretty much been out of since 2000, I will attempt to call my park's management tomorrow to see if I can get an exception to the rules granted. I'm sure we all know how likely that is, don't we?!

Around 3pm this afternoon I decided to take a little nap and set my alarm for 5pm. The munchkin and my aunt made it here before my alarm went off and upon learning that I'm sans television they opted to leave, so I went back to sleep until after 6pm. Now I sit here, in total silence, with what I assume is a headache due to my lack of caffeine today (I'm still working on guzzling down the rest of my 64ozs of daily water) and still 571 pages behind in reading for tax... Opps!

In my battle of the bulge news, I've been tracking my food intake on sparkpeople for 3 days now. I have my calorie intake set as low as the system will let me. It gives you a range of calories to consume for the day with a 350 calorie difference between the high number and the low number within the range. For now I thought it best if I work with the high number! Day #1, which was Saturday, I over consumed by 781 calories. Opps! Day #2, which was Sunday & the day we celebrated the 4th, I over consumed by 1,752. Double Opps! I like to blame my aunt's fatty-ass hot dogs she brought over that were just too frickin' tasty! Damn that woman! Day #3, today, I still have 83 calories before I hit my high number! Yay me!! I knew I would eventually turn it around. Hell, I'll just be happy this first week if I only go over my calorie intake by 500 calories a day! Yes, I've set my standards fairly low these days. Ha!!

But in an effort to end this wonderful, long, holiday weekend on a positive note...look at all the other stuff I've accomplished so far... Yay me!

Consider it done:
1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Just getting started: 3, 4, 8, 9, 23, 24
Needs attention: 11, 13

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