Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Need To Find My Week Before The Whole Week Is Lost

Apparently having a semi-lost weekend leads into a pretty crappy week. I think I mentioned the last week or so I've had an annoying headache, well yesterday morning that blew up! When I woke up Monday morning my head was hurting, so I reached up and touched my temples and thought I was going to cry while vomiting! I couldn't believe how bad my head hurt just be touching it. I called off work and went back to bed. Now mind you I was actually in the bed by midnight Sunday night so it wasn't an over-tired thing, but I ended up sleeping until after 12:30pm...

When I woke up yesterday I felt better, but definitely 100%. I sort of didn't do much all afternoon even though I thought I would get my ass in gear, get showered, go and workout before I started dinner or studying. Well, I never did get those things done. But I did work up the nerve to send Prof. Tax Guru a request for my midterm grade. I sort of figured that once I saw my crappy grade it would motivate me to study for my final. Hmmm...I got a 53 out of 57. Daym...needless to say I haven't been motivated to study and my final is Thursday. Guess you know what I'll be doing tomorrow night, huh? Opps...

I still had my headache today and I'm really starting to wonder what the hell is causing my headache... I'm going to stop taking my nose spray to see if that is contributing to it. I sure hope it is that and it goes away very soon. I really don't have time to be sidelined with a stubborn headache.

As for my battle of the bulge...this week isn't going so hot. It is so hard to eat healthy and get all of your water in and workout when your head is hurting. All I really want to do is swing by and pick up a good ol' juicy bar cheeseburger with curly fries and some Mexican fried ice cream... But that isn't going to help me with my goal, now is it?

I'm hoping tomorrow is uber productive and that I'm headache free!

On a separate note...I just placed a huge order form Nordstrom's for some professional clothes for my externship. Now I just hope they fit! Ha!!

Consider it done: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Just getting started: 6, 8, 21, 22
Needs attention: 12, 13, 14


  1. I hope you feel better soon! I hate how headaches seem to interfere with everything.

  2. You had the willpower to skip fried ice cream? You are my hero! Definately on your way to looking good, feeling good and being more healthy!

    Hope the headache goes away. Wonder if it is weather related because I've had a bad one too.

  3. Thanks Debbie!! Me too. I stopped my flonase today and I feel a bit better tonight. I think maybe it was too much on my sinuses with the allergy shots. Now if only I feel great by tomorrow in time to kick ass on my final! LOL

    Janice~~Thanks! I think it is a combo of the weather and the flonase. I just want the damn thing gone! Ugh.... I only had the willpower to skip that fried ice cream because i didn't want to drive and get the burger and the fried ice cream. At the rate I'm going this week I will no longer be your hero or on my way to looking good, feeling good or being more healthy. :( But tomorrow is another day...
