Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Aren't Buffers Standard?

If you ever work where I currently work you can confirm that the best "stories" come from our restrooms. We have had stories about people talk to themselves while they are using the facilities. Some quotes have included "Shoot it for me Winchester" but the most recent development in our work restrooms is the fact that buffers are no longer standard. I'm not sure when or how this has happened, but it has.

We have 5 stalls in our restroom. Four regular stalls and the last stall as a handicap stall. There are certain people who use certain stalls. Our semi-receptionist/secretary uses the first stall. If you met her you would think she would use the handicap stall because she usually has to walk with a cane or single handed walker, but then I began to think it is further to walk, so she probably prefers to walk less and use stall #1. There are several other secretaries that use the handicap stall.

What stall do I use? #3...there are several reasons why I pick this stall as my usual stall but the primary reason is because this allows 2 other people to come in and use the restroom with the standard one stall buffer. However, there is one person in our office that refuses to use the buffer standard. I have figured out that every time this person comes in she has to go in the stall next to someone. You can be in stall #5 and she is going in to stall #4...or if you are in stall #1, she'll go in to stall #2. If you are in #3 she will go in to #2 or #4. It doesn't matter where you are or how many are free...she is going to sit next to you. I often wonder if in a movie theater, will she come and sit next to you or is she going to give you a buffer there...

This also reminds me of when I started the Spring semester this year in January. On Mondays I had a 4pm and a 6pm class in the same room. My LSBFF was also going to be in my 6pm class, plus I am a person who likes her personal space, especially when I need to spread out books, notebooks, etc. Each table sits 3 people, there were 7 rows, each row had two tables separated by the walk way. I sat in the 4th row the seat furthest to the right and put my bag on the middle seat and someone who I didn't know sat in the 3rd seat. This was fine and I carried upon my business of getting ready for my class to start...at least until that guy says to someone else, 'Hey, sit next to me.' She told him she couldn't because someone had their books there. That's right!! They were my books. If there were no other tables free I would have gladly moved my books, but there were 10 other free tables....if you want to sit next to one another I suggest you move there, because me and my buffer are staying where we were first.

Am I the only person who expects a buffer? Or at a minimum that prefers one? Is that so bad?


  1. Buffers are definitely needed. One weird thing I have noted with bathrooms is that no matter what I end up in the stall where explosive things have happened. My nose fails me everytime dammit!

  2. That's even worse then a lack of a buffer....
