Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Another Round Sir

Before I left work Wednesday night all I wanted to do was drive straight home, walk in the door, and go to bed. However, before I signed out at work my aunt called to tell me the munchkin was running another fever. He had woke up that morning saying he had a sore throat, but I thought it was because it was so hot in the bedroom where he slept that night/morning. Obviously I was wrong. I came home and off to Urgent Care we went. An hour later and a script in hand we were on our way back home.

That evening I made the calls and arranged for both the munchkin and I to stay home Thursday. We spent the day just being home and being lazy. Both of us needed some recouping I think. I spent the majority of the day sleeping. He spent the day watching cartoons and playing on the computer.

Today we are both back in the game though. Off to work I go & off to school he goes. Hopefully the fevers and the sore throats are done for a while in our household.

My Friday To-Do List:
1. Drop off my Externship time sheet
2. Pick up Monday's day sheet
3. Go & see my guy
4. Write out my shopping list
5. Go shopping
6. Pick up the house
7. Do laundry
8. Do all of my MBE homework
9. Do all of my SBM Essay homework
10. Do all of my Externship homework
11. Write out my bills
12. Balance my checkbook
13. File my papers
14. Write my guy
15. Get my allergy shot
16. Catch up on my TIVO
17. Catch up on my emails
18. Workout
19. Drop off my dry cleaning
20. Pick up my dry cleaning
21. Continue cleaning out our closets and drawers
22. Follow up with my handyman to do some work on my porch
23. Write out the munchkin's school and soccer pictures
24. Follow-up on rescheduling my December dentist appointment
25. Get re-motivated
26. Get refocused for next week
27. Continue to commit to my healthy living
28. Plan out my week
29. Get organized
30. Get my shit together

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