Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Moments on Hump Day

Well, it is hump day again. Usually I'm a lot peppier for hump day, but not this week. On top of the original "moment" that I was originally suffering from (back over a month ago), which I truly believe I never got over, I'm now having down moments for various reasons. I am primarily down because of all of the family issues and more specifically because of my guy. I'm working on pulling myself out of this funk, but it is never easy...

In an effort to withdraw myself from this funk I'm working on my original to-do list. I accomplished a few of those things Monday (#6, #7, #8, & #9). Well, since a few of those weren't actually solved and crossed off I followed up on them yesterday. I called another exterminator to confirm the prior story and am waiting for a call back. I have also began to look for another fix it guy because my fix-it guy isn't returning my calls. Funny thing is that last night when we were getting ready to go to our Cinco de Mayo dinner someone was handing out flyers about handy-man services. Is this a sign? I guess I should try them, huh? Maybe they can solve my bee problem too.

Well yesterday I accomplished #1 and am working on #2 right now, except I'm skipping the folding and putting it away for now and if it doesn't get done by Friday I'll work on it then. I also went through my papers, but haven't "done" anything with them yet, but I weeded out the garbage so instead of several piles of papers, I'm down to an approximate 7" stack of papers to deal with...making progress y'all!

I know I will eventually pull out of my funk and a special letter in my mailbox would help me immensely! Also finishing my exams will help loads too! I have my Crim Sentencing final tonight @ 6pm and then I HAVE to take my Crim Pro before 11:59pm Thursday. I'm so not prepared, but it is my own fault. Needless to say, good thing I usually respond best under pressure. I'm just hoping that this time is like the others...

Of course the fact that my allergies are trying to smoother me with post-nasal drip (sorry for the nasty part here!) is not helping. It gets worse the later it gets...I'll be glad when the little white fuzzies and flowers stop flying around. :(

Oh yeah...I went through almost all of my emails last night too! I did have over 40 emails and now I'm down to 2 to respond to...that I'm ultra proud of! Yay Me!

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