Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Monday, July 25, 2011

It Is Almost That Time Again

Twice a year it comes around...February and July. Yes, people I'm talking about taking the Bar. It is a horrible time. There is no reason behind who will pass and who will not. There is no "you should have studied more" either, because that doesn't have shit to do with it. It is a gamble...some win and some lose. Regardless...this Tuesday, Wednesday, and for some even Thursday people all over the country will be sitting down to take the Bar. I wish you all luck!!! Kick ass and make that test your bitch!

And remember...in just a few days it will be all over and God willing you won't be doing this again come February, but if you are...so be it! You will make it through one way or another.

Good luck to all my law school, twitter, & blog peeps with the bar!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Where Does It All Go?

Money that is...

How is it possible that I get paid on Thursday and by Sunday after writing out bills due during this pay period I am broke?! And I don't mean like I only have a hundred dollars broke...I mean as in my account balance is in the negative already and that doesn't account for gas for the next two weeks or any of the appointments the munchkin and I have in the next two weeks.

Needless to say I don't pray for strength these two weeks, I'm praying for some cash!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

We Will Call Him Bubba

While I was off studying for the bar at the beginning of the year my office hired a friend of mine from law school who graduated a semester before me and passed the bar last year. I was a little shocked because he did not seem the type of guy who would want to work where I worked. He is a nice guy, but never came off as a hard worker while we were in law school. When the two of us realized that he was going to be working there he was much more excited about the prospect of us working together.

Bubba started mid-March and started off on the wrong foot from day one. Of course for the first 3.5 months he worked there I was still a paralegal there, but now we are equals as attorneys and are even assigned to the same team.

Our office is always under the watchful eyes of our General Counsel and the powers that be in our company, but in the last 2 months we have been under the gun thanks to some bad press, so to speak. I've always been cautious about how I perform in my job, because I know how the politics work there and now that I'm an attorney there with the extra attention the office has received I'm even more aware of what I need to do and have became even more neurotic about my files.

As anyone knows, especially anyone who works in the legal field, defaults are huge and pretty damn scary. So the fact that Bubba has received about 5 in the last 4 months is just mind blowing to me! And the more things he misses or blows makes me even more on edge. So needless to say when I didn't go to lunch with him, other members of our team and others from the office yesterday because I had too much work to do sounded like a smart decision to me, because I had no desire to bring work home to do this weekend.

While I was talking to Bubba before he left for lunch I mentioned that if not for the munchkin I would probably be a workaholic. So needless to say I was shocked when Bubba told me I needed to not be so uptight about work and inquired if I had any hobbies!! Um, dude...maybe you need to get more uptight about work!

Maybe I shouldn't have been offended by his comment and question, but I was! Maybe I'm going about this whole being a new attorney thing wrong, but where we practice it is a small legal community and since I don't plan on being at my office forever I want a strong reputation out there.

And by the way Bubba, I do have a hobby, along with a kid, and a home to run.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Today I must confess a few things...

I confess today that I am not a camper. I've never had a desire to camp or even the small thought of 'Oh, maybe that would be fun. Let's try that.' Like as in NEVER! I don't enjoy being outside at night, sleeping, nor do I enjoy being cramped into a tiny space with no protection other than some flimsy material between me and the outside elements, which in my mind include weather, animals, and other people. But I do love my son, so last night we went camping...

As a part of the munchkin's cubscout pack, we went to our local farm team (baseball folks!) to do a sleepover. First we arrived there early enough so the kids could line up and partake in a little cubscout's parade on the field before the game. Then we were to settle into a whole baseball game. This is always fun with a child diagnosed with ADHD! Especially a 9 year old boy who is there with five other 9 year old boys. At one point I thought if I hear "Hey guys, he has 3 balls!!" one more time I was going to pop off with, "We all get it...he has 3 balls instead of 2, it was only funny the first 3 innings!"

After the game some of us moms trekked out to the cars to grab the camping gear. This was super fun for me since the shoulder strap on the bag that my parents' tent was in snapped within 10 feet from my car. Always extra special! Luckily the only dad who trekked out with us put my bag on top of their bag on wheels and hauled it in. Of course me and one other mom were at the end of our group coming back into the stadium and were stopped to be told that we couldn't re-enter until the fireworks display happened. It was irrelevant to them that our children were inside waiting for our return or the fact that the rest of our group had made it in. So instead we stood, out on the street, while the fireworks happened and the non sleep-over folks left before we could reenter.

Once we were allowed to reenter, we made our way back to the group and waited until they cleared the field so we could go in the outfield and set up our tents. And by setting up our tent that meant me waiting for someone to feel sorry for me and come over and do it. It is extra special when you pull something out of a bag and ask, "Is this the tent?" Tents were set up and we were advised there were going to be 700 campers out there in the outfield for the night. Oh boy! What fun!! 698 other people plus me and the munchkin.

The lights were finally shut off at close to 1am and I was exhausted. I couldn't wait to go to sleep! But there were a few things that I hadn't considered or taken into account...
  1. It was frickin' hot as hell out there! It had been hot all day and at game time, 7pm, the temp was 88 degrees and muggy. Being down in a stadium cut off a lot of the breeze and after being in the heat and humidity for over 7 hours, it is a bit unbearable because you have sweat your ass off and are just disgusting and sticky!
  2. The parents' tent was the size of my kitchen table, which seats only 4 people!
  3. Tons of cubscouts and their leaders, parents, and siblings equals a lot of noise...ALL NIGHT LONG!
  4. Our wake up call was coming in less than 6 hours!
This leads to confession #2...I am old!!

Sleeping on the ground with only the same flimsy material between your body and the ground provides no protection down there either. And the thought that a sleeping bag will provide some cushion is a cruel joke. Needless to say after a couple hours of light sleeping I started to fear that I may not be able to stand up when our wake up call happened, let alone walk, or lift anything! This realization came at 3am and I had 4 more hours to discover if I would need to phone 911 to get my fat-ass out of the tent and out of that stadium!

At 6:30am I couldn't wait to get this "camping trip" over with. Of course the munchkin didn't sleep well either so we opted to get up, walk up to the restroom, and then come back and start packing up our "camp", which of course required me waiting for someone to help take down the tiny tent too! Then we sent the kids and the other moms upstairs to breakfast while the dads and I took all of our stuff out to our cars. Yes, I play both roles...mom & dad! I hobbled back to the stadium wishing I could just stay out at the car and the munchkin would come out when he was done eating, because I was going to have to walk up 4 flights of stairs with my sore back, sweat drenched clothes, and exhausted butt dragging to go and eat cold scrambled eggs, cold frozen pancakes, cold frozen hashbrowns, sausage links and bacon.

After coming home, laying down for about 2 hours, and taking motrin and while I sit here considering taking some of my pain pills from 2 months ago when I royally screwed up my back I am here to confess...I hate camping! I am damn old and no longer ashamed to admit it!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Freedom Day Set For July 17th, So People Get A Grip!

As so many people know, tomorrow is Casey Anthony's day to leave jail and be free. Regardless of how you feel about what you think happened or didn't happen can we make one solemn promise? Let's not get stupid!!!

All of the idiots making death threats to her, her family, and defense team need to get a grip. If you think she did it, what makes you any better by threatening to kill her, her family, and her defense team??? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! If anything, it makes you worse. How does that sit with your God.

And after reading articles about my friend Legally Fabulous' professor being attacked twice while working this case has made me lose faith in people while this case makes my faith in the justice system even stronger...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday

Things haven't been perfect over here in the healthy living department, but I'm doing better and that is all I can ask of myself these days. So here are the results...

Starting weight: 363lbs (7/9/09)
Current weight: 327.6lbs
This week's results: -2.8lbs
Total weight lost: -35.4lbs

So it isn't a lot, especially for that first week back back on the band wagon, but I'll take it!

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Down Side Of Growing Up

Paying $125 to the exterminator for a new summer resident in the home...ants. Little tiny black bastards!! Isn't being a grown up fun?!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Guess It Really Is Time To Become A Real Grown Up!

Three weeks ago tomorrow I started my first job as an attorney. Yes, even three weeks later, I'm still lost, confused, and scared to death. There really is a difference between playing attorney with your law school work and really being the one fully responsible for a real person's suit.

Of course my job is not in the area I long to work in, criminal defense, but it is still the defense side and it is a job. As we all know these days that is a big deal! Some day I will make that transition to the criminal area, but for now I'm getting my feet wet in the civil arena.

I guess this means that it is finally time I grow up and become a real adult. I'm not sure I'm ready for this part. You would think being 34 and a mom to a wonderful, although sometimes challenging, 9 year old munchkin that I would have already accomplished this, but I haven't. It feels totally different! Maybe it is also because now that I don't have the excuse of classes and homework I'm having to step up at home again too.

Both the munchkin and I are working through our adjustment period as I take a stronger lead at home (can you say "iron fist baby" because my son thinks that is how I rule!) and I adjust to being a real attorney. Some days are better than others. But we survive them all...together. So as long as I don't make any huge mistakes with the kid or get a default or blow that all famous statue of limitations we will make it as I work on this whole being a real grown up thing!

Of course it all scares the shit out of me every day!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

There Is Always A First Time

And today was the first time I've had my car cleaned on the inside since I bought her in 2009. Yes, she is over 2 years old and no one has been attentive enough to her to take a vacuum to her carpeting or anything. So today was the day.

After the munchkin accompanied me to the spa to get my facial and my unibrow/hairy lip & chin waxed off we went over to the car wash and for $10 they cleaned the inside and out! I ended up adding a couple of extra things to my car's own little spa day, so in total it cost me $16, but it was well worth it. I suspect that if I make a couple trips through there again over the next several weeks she may look as good as the day she came home to us.

So I guess there is always a first time for everything...even if it takes me a couple of years to get to it!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jumping On The Band Wagon

I decided this week was as good as any to start back on my healthy kick/lifestyle or attempted healthy kick/lifestyle. So taking from my fellow bloggers (hopefully they don't mind) I'm now declaring Wednesdays "Weigh-In Wednesdays" so without further adieu...

Starting weight: 363lbs (7/9/09)
Current weight: 330.4lbs
Results from the last 6 weeks: 0lbs
Total weight lost: -32.6lbs

So let's see how this works out for me in the coming weeks! Of course the fact that I just received an advertisement with coupons for a taco pizza in the mail tonight doesn't help me out here...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Need I say more?! Jose Baez & his team came through for Casey Anthony. For all the shit talkers...guess he wasn't so bad after all, huh?!

Now it will be on to the hard stuff for Casey Anthony and her family. Hopefully she will be able to go on with her life and this allows little Caylee to finally rest in peace.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July and a beautiful holiday, long weekend! I know we did. I got tons accomplished this weekend, which is exactly what I needed to do this weekend. We also had a wonderful family cookout over at mom & dad's yesterday, which is always nice.

I thought I would finally make my return to the blog on this Independence Day. Sorry I've been away so long, but the last several weeks have been a very trying time for me after I injured my back. Now I feel like I've finally came out on the other side and am doing so much better. Did you know Flexeril can make you border-line homicidal? Well, trust me...it can and it isn't pretty! After I finally figured out that my muscle relaxer was making me a much bigger bitch than normal I had to get off it immediately and then spend the next couple of weeks digging out of the dark hole I found myself in. But now I'm better & I'm back...Happy Independence Day for sure!