Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Does Friday the 13th Scare You?

Not me. Usually, Friday the 13th is good for me and things go my way that day, so I do not usually wish I stayed home with the blanket over my head. However, today was a little different, because I did wish I had stayed home, but I didn't require the blanket over my head. I do not know if it is because some days this week we had weather in to the 60's and tomorrow the hi is 29 degrees with 1-3" of snow, but I have been exhausted. This morning was no different. I did not want to get out of bed and I almost didn't! I finally got up sometime after 6:30am! Definitely late today!!

Once I finally got to work, my tiredness did not subside. :( I was tired all day. I just wanted to close my eyes and take a nice long nap. I was excited that my weekly Friday meeting was canceled but not excited when the big man said it was because he wasn't feeling well. :( "The CH", I hope you feel better. I did not really accomplish much else all day outside of typing up my BK notes and then during lunch I read for AIL-P, of course I nodded off several times while reading. :( I did refer out 3 of my ACP-S files, but that was about it. I just couldn't motivate. My goodness...I had a rough week and you probably think I don't work while I'm at work, but normally I do. This week has just been one of those weeks where you can't work or don't want to work. Does that make sense? I promise...I do work and 90% of the time I bust my ass! Just not this week. :(

Of course the munchkin started hacking with a crazy cough last night so I had auntie take him to the doc today and sure enough...throat infection. Probably what I had back on 1/24. :( I hope he feels better. I hate it when any of us are sick. It just totally bums me out...and adds a lot of stress to my already hectic life. After work and the muchkin's trip to the doctor I met him and auntie at The Olive Garden for dinner. It was kind of our pre-Valentine's Day dinner.

My god...was it busy! Luckily I got there about 5:45pm and still had to wait over 30 mins for a table. I took "Custer Died for Your Sins" with me to get some of my AIL-P reading done. Of course some woman standing next to me inquired what I was doing reading "An Indian Manifesto". I used to entertain such conversations, but I don't know when, how or why but I no longer can stand such conversations. I notice myself getting older and a lot bitchier too. I responded to her question by just telling her that it was for school and for my AIL-P class and just when she looked either impressed or disgusted my pager went off to tell me my table was ready!

After dinner the munchkin went off to home with his aunt to spend the weekend with her so I can do homework, etc. and off to Catherine's & Avenue I go to get some new clothes for everyday and more importantly for next weekend to see my honey! :) But I think I did really well...I bought $701.15 in clothes; but I saved $216.36 and spent only $484.79. I love coupons, gift cards, and perk cards! :D

Finally I arrived home, still as exhausted as I was when I woke this morning, and am about to go to bed so I can get up early tomorrow so I can go get my hair highlighted! I hate having to get up and be somewhere early on a Saturday. :( But nothing I can do there....except getting my butt to bed and up early in the AM.

I hope everyone else had a wonderful Friday the 13th and didn't feel the need the cover over the head and remain in bed.

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