Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Saturday, February 21, 2009


There are several things I need to follow-up on here so this posting will be a Hodge-Podge of a post. Gosh, I hope I'm not the only person who knows what a Hodge-Podge is! Or maybe I'm not and I just don't know how to spell it, so forgive me if it sounds like I don't know what I'm talking about! Or should I say, forgive me if it sounds like you don't know what I'm talking about! ;)

Comments/Followers....all in one evening!?! Much to my surprise I sign on to my blog and I see something funny. Actually two somethings funny...I HAVE COMMENTS & A FOLLOWER!!!! Woo-hoo!!! Thank you both! I was actually going to post that I finally had the courage to tell 3 very dear people to me about this blog and here 2 of them are!!!!!!!! Thanks gals! I love you both!! Of course the 3rd one can't show up for at least another 22 months and a wake up! But I did get the okay to post his picture showing off his mountain man ways. I'm just not sure if I should or if I can (I'm not really that tech savvy as others!).

Sillyjilly~~you made my day by being my follower and making a comment too! Thank you! I love you for that...as for the 80 degree weather, well I'm incredibly jealous, especially after exiting my car tonight to come to the room and it flashed a big ol' 7 degrees at me. Thanks car...you'll get yours when I trade you in next week! hehe

Dani~~thank you for your comment today. I actually thought of your Amy when I was writing my post. I don't admit how often I think of my Nana or my Papa, but maybe I will start now as it felt really good to think of her. I figured she was on my trip with me yesterday because not only did I think of her because of the Yun-Yuns, but also because I didn't realize the new bra I bought had dragonflies on it. I know...strange to think of your grandmother because her symbol is on your bra, but it is what it is! But don't worry...I won't be posting pictures of that even if I could! ;)

Family Drama Continues...I talked with my aunt tonight and she told me the CPS worker assigned to the case tracked my ex-s-i-l down and asked her why she didn't show up to court Thursday and she said "because it is tomorrow." I don't know if this conversation took place on Thursday or Friday, but if it took place on Friday I have to say an extra prayer for her because she wasn't even smart enough to lie about a day that courts are even open. :( When the tip of information was given to this woman all she said was she wasn't surprised by this story as she suspected the same thing. :( :( She then asked if there was anyone known to the family who could take the boys and when she was told that there is a couple who are friends of my aunts friend in Indiana who may be interested in adopting the boys she said for them to call her.... As we suspected, this isn't going to end pretty. I just hope and pray that it ends the drama in my nephews' lives... Keep praying for them as the Texan isn't doing well at all and is acting out severely.

Two teeth gone in a month? So my aunt called me tonight while I was grabbing dinner after my wonderful visit with my man. :) She told me that my baby lost a second tooth today at school. :( So he has went 6.5 years and lost none and now in the last 30 days he has lost two!! EEK!!! He is such a big boy now! Well, of course my child cannot do anything with out controversy. When you lose a tooth at school they put it in the cutest little holder that is in the shape of a tooth, with a string on it so they can carry it around their neck to bring it home and not lose it (again! LOL). Well, he was at Chica's after he got off the bus until my aunt could pick him up and the story goes that he was told twice to stop playing with the string, which is more of a plastic string than a string, string and he didn't, so Chica's Valentine's Day gift ate it... Chica panicked, called the vet who said to watch for it to come out of KC, but if they see it coming out and it isn't out all the way not to pull it out as it could strangle some of the puppy's organs. And of course, if it doesn't come out they will have to do surgery! So now I need to do an email to Chica to offer to pay for any charges they may incur from this incident. :( She was very angry with my munchkin, who then came home and cried because he hurt Chica and her KC. I feel horrible, but I have some issues with this too.

1. If you have to tell a child twice to stop playing with something and they don't, shouldn't you take it away from them? Isn't that part of what your responsibility as an adult is?
2. And how do we know for sure the puppy ate this string. It is a pretty long string...wouldn't he have chocked on it or gagged on it as he was eating it?
3. And ummm...Dr. Vet, can we do an x-ray to make sure the string is in there before we cut open this puppy?

Of course this isn't the only story she has to share with me of the issues my child has had since I left town less than 48 hours ago... Munchkin fell out of my mom's Mountaineer yesterday, landed on his butt and bruised his butt bone, or so we suspect. He complains when he sits down that his butt cheeks hurt. :( My baby!! :( They aren't showing any signs of bruising and hopefully he didn't bust his tail bone and it will go away, but my son~the drama queen~will carry this one as long as he can. I just feel horrible for him. And to add insult to injury this morning at the bus-stop one of the little kids that just moved in to the abandoned house down from ours (one that doesn't have a single window that had not been broken by the neighborhood hoodlums in the last 2 years the house has been empty) pushed my munchkin down on his injured buttocks! My son comes over to my aunt who got out of the car while she had been watching them crying because his arse hurt... She had to tell him not to cry because then they would call him a cry baby and then she told the other kids that there will be no more pushing. My son, being the narc that I have raised, immediately told the bus driver that the other kid pushed him down on his injured butt as soon as they got on the bus who in turn scolded the kid again. I see my son getting beat up for being the narc... But what can he do, when he does something back to the kids he gets in trouble. My baby can't win for nothing! :( What happened to the good old days before zero-tolerance when you could just push them back.

But hey...he made it 5 days with no calls from the school to me (which is great after my 2 calls from the principal last week!) and he didn't flip any disciplinary cards Thursday and Friday. He just narced a kid out and potentially killed a puppy.... He lives on both ends of the extremes. ;)
Yun-Yuns have returned...Well, the hotel I'm at houses some of the Yun-Yun drivers this weekend and at 1:55am (EST~~now that I've went national with my blog!) 4 of them just returned. They must have the Harley-Davidson version of Yun-Yuns as they are really loud!

A peck will get you a moan next time...So at my visit tonight, my guy tells me I just gave him a peck when I left last night. Which I think is funny because I thought he was short-giving on his end of both kisses yesterday. In the prison world for those readers who are not aware, you get one hug and one kiss when you start your visit and one hug and one kiss when you end your visit, these of course are limited to 5 seconds and with some CO's~yes, they are timed. Well, when I left tonight I refused to let him pull away from my kiss until I got his butt to moan...hehe Yes, I am evil.

Have a great Saturday y'all! I love you guys and hugs all around...I'm off to bed...

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