Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I'll be your companion

I've done my good deed for the week. Yesterday while waiting for my dad to come out of surgery a young man...okay, probably my age, but you get the idea...came crutching in to the surgical waiting room and when the nurse called him back she questioned where his companion was. He told her he didn't have one, he was dropped off and someone was picking him up. That wasn't good enough...he had to have someone there.

This poor guy who had not ate or drank anything since midnight (he came in at noon) and who had not taken any pain meds either practically broke down saying how he had no family, few friends and his girlfriend was sleeping because she had to work. One of the other women in the room offered to be his companion. The nurse went and asked if she could and came back to say no because that woman was a companion to someone else who would be released before this guy. So I offered to be this guy's companion because I was no one else's companion. They agreed to take B back to begin prepping him for surgery.

Mom and I had it worked out that she would take the munchkin when and if dad was released so I could stay for B until someone else came for him or until he needed to be taken home. About 30 mins after they took B back some strange guy kept walking in and out of the waiting room, so I finally asked if he was looking for B. He said yes. We told him that B had been taken back by the nurse and told him the crazy story of how two different women had told B, "I'll be your companion."

D, the friend, made it clear he did not like B's girlfriend because she wouldn't wake up to come for B. Hours later the girlfriend showed up, D met her at the doorway to the waiting room and immediately left. The girlfriend proceeded to walk in the waiting and get on her cell phone. She proceeds to tell the other person, "Yeah, I'm here at the hospital. B called me this morning to bring him for his surgery, but I told him I couldn't. I was so tired and I swear I think I was still drunk from last night. (Insert giggles here.) Then he called later to tell me I had to come up here and sit, because he had to have someone sitting here for him. I slept a couple more hours and then came up. I swear, I'm just sitting here wasting my time, but you know B, he has no family and few friends." Must be love...her wasting time for her man!

Well, we left before doc came out and talked to G about B and since D left we wouldn't have received any info anyways. I sure hope wherever B is he is doing well and his surgery was successful. And I hope he remembers the two strangers who were willing to provide aid on his behalf and he returns the favors some day. :)

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