Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Popsicles in the Park

Tonight was the night we were able to meet the munchkin's new teacher!  OMG, my baby is going to be in the second grade this year.  Yikes!  His teacher is very nice and is young, which I think sometimes is good, especially with the problems we have.  We were the first ones there for her.  The other second grade teachers were there and already had kids sign in.  There seemed to be a ton of kids running around the playground.  The munchkin found some friends from "church school" (CCD) and then found a kid that was in his class last year at the old school.  I don't know if it was just me, but his mom didn't seem happy to see us.  Oh well....get over it!  Especially after I determined who this little boy was...he was the one that encouraged my munchkin to use not so nice language (dog poop, poop-poop, basically anything related to poop).  So now I need to determine...do I email the new teacher and give her a heads up as to these two, because we know they will want to sit next to one another...  Ugh, stress already?!  Doesn't the kid know what stress does to my blood sugar?!

Speaking of such...I took it tonight before I ate dinner, which is when I'm trying to take it...before I eat and before I take the 2nd half of my pill and it was the lowest it has ever been...169!!!!!!  I was so excited, especially since this morning it was 302.  Yikes!  Apparently taco bell is out (Sunday night's dinner) and turkey smoked sausage is in (today's lunch)!  I was talking with my aunt and she said she thinks I'm just really sensitive to sugar until I get my stuff under control or she said I could be like that from here on out.

An example of confusion with diabetes...my dad (adoptive/step) is a diabetic (yes, Mr. Skinny who is about the same size as my man who weighs in at 150lbs!) and my mom said that he could eat a donut and his sugar barely goes up, but he could eat a piece of pizza and it will skyrocket.  Or like my papa, he could eat cookies and his sugar only went up a little, but he could eat a small orange and his blood sugar would skyrocket.  It is a confusing thing and I'm just trying to learn what triggers my blood sugar and what doesn't.  I know I won't be able to be perfect all the time, but I am working on getting it down to around 100 and trying to maintain it.  

I am proud of myself...tomorrow will be a week since I first took it and that night it was 397...tonight it was 169, pretty damn good if you ask me!  ;)  Hell, the fact that I haven't had a regular coke in 6 days is a HUGE thing for me!


  1. You said:
    "I am proud of myself...tomorrow will be a week since I first took it and that night it was 397...tonight it was 169, pretty damn good if you ask me! ;) "

    That is going in the right direction, but of course you need to check often, to be sure that you're not still not spiking up toward 400. And you need to keep working on finding out which foods are okay for you. For me, a little mono-unsaturated fat (like a bit of olive oil, some avocado, or a few pecans) helps tame my blood sugar swings. Best wishes.

  2. I feel for you! I would have a hard time figuring that out. My mom is having a lot of trouble because of her other diagnoses that are interfering and she is trying to lose weight. She has like 4 different things going on.

    Keep up the good work! We are all rooting for you.

  3. I feel for your mom D! I too am trying to lose weight while figuring this blood sugar thing out. I'm trying not to think about the other diagnoses sitting out there right now on my back and really trying to concentrate on my blood sugar first. I feel like if I can get that controlled the weight thing will be easier and if I lose some weight some of my other diagnoses will start to resolve themselves. Or so I hope. :( What all does your mom have going on? (If you feel like sharing!)

    Thanks...I appreciate that. :) I keep trying! Some days are better than others. I'm really scared about going back to school with this hanging over my head and kind of hope I can get this under control before then...

    Is your mom on any medicine with it? I'm going to increase my pills by an extra half a day to see if that helps me too. This is all done on my own, but I've taken these pills before I became a diabetic, so I know I can take more... Maybe that will help me too.

    Take care my friend and hugs to your mom from me! :D
