Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Am Heartbroken Tonight

I've been sort of down lately, along with being stressed, exhausted and PMS'g, and things got worse today when I came upon this story, an apparent suicide of a 9-year-old boy (http://www.star-telegram.com/local/story/1915684.html). He did it at school. My heart sank, my eyes filled with tears and I went into total mommy fear mode. This is so horrific. I cannot even imagine. :( He, his family and friends are all in my thoughts and prayers. Please include them in yours tonight.

I then decided to write my guy a letter tonight before class and it was one of those letters where you put all of your concerns, fears, issues, etc. in it. I was deep into having a moment. I honestly felt better by the time I was in class and figure I must have needed to "share" my moment with someone and who better than him, right?

So feeling better I come home and then I come across this store, vandals sawed off pieces from a fallen soldier's memorial (http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/22350848/detail.html). What is this world coming to? This man, SGT Frank a decorated soldier, gave up his life for our freedom and some punks decide to steal parts of a statue dedicated to him. Are you kidding me? How sick must a person be to do this? This is just totally unacceptable. It makes me sick to my stomach and pissed off beyond words can express. WTF?!

Needless to say, I go to bed heartbroken and angry tonight...

Consider it done: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28
Just getting started: 10, 26, 27
Needs attention: 21


  1. Oh, I can't stand when I see stories like this. People keep stooping to new lows. And that other story, very sad.

  2. Yes they do Debbie, yes they do. What is even worse is my cousin leaves for Afghanistan tonight to fight for this (or these) asshole(s) to be "free"...Ugh...

    That other story...it scares me. Being a parent is the hardest job ever and when you see something like this, you just feel helpless. So many times as a mom I feel inadequate, a failure, and completely clueless and helpless. This just increases those fears ten-fold... :( (But I wouldn't change being a mommy for anything in the world and hope to do it again some day.)
