Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Quick update this Saturday afternoon....

My day did not start out how I wanted but I guess that is what happens when you take NyQuil at 1am and go to bed with the hopes of getting out the door by 7am!  Did not happen....

But I have accomplished the following items on my to-do list:  I made my 9:30am thing, then went on to the post office and picked up my monthly role of stamps!  Then I made my way to Meijers and as I stood in line thinking I only need 3 things from Wal-Marts and I was already half way across the store in the check out line I decided to book to the other side of Meijers, get those 3 things, cross Wal-Marts off my list of things to do and check out.  $200 later...I left there and made my way to the bank.  Then on to the Chinese Food Drive-Thru (yum!) since I hadn't had anything except 32 ozs of water and it was now after 12:00pm!  I came home, unpacked the groceries and other household items, ate my Chinese Food and decided to update you all with the following good news:

I lost another 3lbs this week!  Woo-hoo!!  Now that is a total of 7lbs and I'm officially 2lbs less than when I started this little blog/diary thing!  I'm uber proud of myself.  I was hoping to have lost more this week, but I did have a few slip-ups because of being sick and also due to Good Friday's festivities at Red Lobster last night!  I guess I should have weighed myself before dinner last night!  LOL  Oh well...that just gives me more to lose this week!  I'm actually really kind of excited.  :)

My man and I were talking this week about my next trip up to see him.  I was hoping to do it the 2nd weekend in May at the end of my exams, but since I have to register the munchkin for soccer that Saturday I can't make it.  :(  He told me he didn't think I'd be coming up to see him until June or July.  And now I'm okay with that for the fact that that gives me 3-4 months to lose more weight.  I would like to lose a total of 33lbs by the end of June.  I know it doesn't sound like much, but it is a start!  ;)  

Alright, on to reading for AIL~P!  Hugs to you all this sunny Saturday!!

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