Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sleeping In & Loving It!

Wow...I slept till 11:30am this morning.  I am so happy!  And I slept sound.  I didn't wake up once last night.  There is good and bad to that statement; good that I slept the whole night through and bad because I know I didn't drink nearly enough of anything yesterday because I never woke up to pee!  But I definitely feel better today, so I think I needed that.  Still congested, but not nearly as bad as what I have been.  Of course going through 2.5 boxes of tissues this week has helped with some of the congestion.  

It was nice to be able to sleep until I woke up this morning and part of me wanted to crawl right back in bed when I did wake up and see it was 11:30am, but I have tons to do so I forced myself up and out.  

Here are just some of the things I need to do today:
  1. Pick up the house
  2. Finish putting the groceries away (I didn't finish at 10pm last night when I got home and since the groceries filled the backseat and the backend of my car I have a ton of them yet to put away!)
  3. Do laundry (& since I can only do it during the day now~my light switch is not working and I have to call the fix-it guy again this week to come and take care of that problem~I need to get a jump on it!)
  4. Go through my papers and bills and stuff like that for the week.
  5. Get organized for finals
  6. & most importantly, get studying for finals!!
I'm sure more items will be added to the list as the day goes on!  

Let's hope for sunshine all day today because the munchkin and the aunt have tickets to go and see Thomas the Train at 1:30pm and it is all outside!  Last year it was rainy and cold for them.  :(  But I'm hoping the predicted scattered showers hold off until tonight!  

Every year they do this and of course every year the available weekends for this little junket falls during finals and by the time I'm done taking finals he will probably be too old for Thomas the Train.  :(  Oh well...one of the millions of sacrifices we have had to make since I've went back to school but since I'm so far in debt in student loans and over half way done I'll keep plugging along!  

I hope everyone is enjoying their warm and sunny weekend!  ;)

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