As we enter month number two of the New Year, I want to take a moment and reflect on how I'm doing with my
New Year's Resolutions:
Get healthier
~~continue to lose weight: Well, with the exception of this past week, I have continued to lose weight and since my net weight loss is 3.6lbs for the month of January I think I've been fairly successful with this one...
~~eat better/healthier: I've been eating out less, cooking more, and definitely eating more fruits and veggies. I could be doing better, but overall I give myself high props on this one too...
~~workout more: Failure here! I've made it to the gym once this year and it was only for 20 minutes. Yikes!
~~drink more water: I've been pretty darn successful with this one! :)
~~test my blood sugar more regularly: I've rocked this! Woo-hoo! I've only missed checking my numbers one night when I feel asleep too early... Yay me!!
~~get my skin under control: Slowly but surely my skin is getting better and better. :)
~~get more sleep with a better sleep pattern/schedule: Failure, again! If only I could get my stuff together maybe I could do better here.
Get my finances together
~~make a budget & stick to it: This one has been pretty slow to come around, but each day I'm doing better with this!
~~reduce my debt: I haven't made too much progress here, but I've made all my payments on time, so that is always good!
~~stop use of all credit cards: I've used my credit cards twice and that was at the beginning of January for books for school and one meal. Outside of these two things, I've been very successful here! :)
~~pay off BarBri & Kaplan: Failure. No payments made, yet.
Get more organized
~~at work: I have tons of piles and tons of stuff to do, but I'm organized. LOL
~~at/for school: Organized, but behind...go figure!
~~at home: I've been doing great here. Better than expected, so success is mine!
~~use better time management: Failure here. I need to stop letting things distract me or better yet, stop looking for things to distract me.
~~get things done: Slowly, but surely I'm getting things done. Hell, just check out my Friday To-Do list accomplishments! :)
~~stop putting things off till tomorrow (or next week): See above!
~~set a schedule and stick to it: Ups & downs here, but I keep aiming for total success here!
Communicate more...
~~with family, friends, my munchkin, my man, my blog & my blogging buddies: Doing better, but this is always a struggle for me
Enjoy life
~~laugh, cry, dance, and sing more: This has been hard to do in the last month as I've been very stressed, but I'm hopeful that as the days progress I'll have more time to work on this.
~~be a better mom: Oh, this is such a struggle...I try my hardest, but doing the hardest job in the world is tough