Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Friday, November 27, 2009

No Rest For The Wicked

I hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey Day. For the most part, mine was great. I actually slept in until almost 1pm (going to bed @ 2am and taking NyQuil will do that to a person!), got up, sent my holiday wishes to all of my friends and family, chatted with a few friends on text, hopped in the shower, talked with my guy and headed over to my mom's for dinner. Dinner was great, everything seemed to be going well and everyone was getting along well until in walked my brother, his (alleged) wife and their two boys.

I just cannot seem to get past my anger with my brother. He is just such an ass! He hasn't called or made any contact with anyone in the family since he returned from doing his 2-weeks in jail in Kentucky, didn't respond to my mom's inquiry if the 4 of them were going to be attending Thanksgiving dinner, but then comes walking in and telling us what we can buy them for Christmas. Seriously?! Then he takes out his phone and shows only my aunt a picture of his new truck so I ask him if he went off and bought another new car and he comes off with that he was in an accident and totaled his truck. So I tell him how I didn't know he was in an accident that it isn't like he ever talks to me. He then gives me some BS story of how he is working 4 jobs and doesn't have time to talk to people. Ten minutes later I cut myself a piece of pie and cheesecake, put the whipped cream on it and made my way into my mom and dad's bedroom and watched some of the Cowboys-Raiders game (Way to go Cowboys!!!) until they left.

When I think of my brother I just want to scream and when I see him I just want to punch him in the face. By the time I made my way home I almost wanted to send him a BBM telling him that we are going to have to split up Christmas because I have no desire to be in the same room as him. I wish I could get past my issues with my bro...just let it go, but he is on a list of people that I cannot get past being angry with. This is a pretty short list mind you...my ex-in-laws (I count the family as one), a former boss of mine who fired me and my brother. How can I get past my anger? For my own benefit I would be willing to try almost anything because I'm tired of being so angry...this is part of the reason why I hate the holidays.

I am very very very happy to report that even after my day of partaking in Thanksgiving dinner and drinking (I had a few glasses of wine too) that when I took my blood sugar tonight it was only 117!! Yay me!! Oh yeah...and I wore a pair of the pants I bought a month ago to Thanksgiving dinner and they are a size 22! Double Yay Me!!! :D

As the end of the semester looms and the holidays get into full swing, there is no rest for the wicked, so I give you My Friday To-Do List:

1. Pick up the house
2. Do laundry
3. Write out my shopping list
4. Get organized
5. Do all of my Litigation homework
6. Do all of my PR homework
7. Do all of my Small Firms homework
8. Do all of my Pre-Trial homework
9. Write out the munchkin's soccer & school pictures to give out
10. Plan out my week
11. Write my man
12. Write my h.s. friend
13. Get me some sleep

I kept it shorter this weekend since my focus has to be on numbers 5-8 this weekend! Wish me luck y'all! :)


  1. dont get me wrong i'm still pissed about her marriage and alot of things dealing with it.

    they're on government assistance and she's pregnant. they couldn't wait until they could afford the kid on thier own?! ugh. pisses me off. that and she smoking while pregnant!
