Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Needing To Change Things Up

This past week has been very strange. I sort of feel like I'm on an emotional rollercoaster. One minute I'm depressed, one minute I feel happy. A lot of the time I feel frustrated, irritated and definitely exhausted. I feel like I need to make a big change in my life, but I cannot seem to make the change. I am a total night owl, but it is no longer working for me. I'm not able to get up in the morning like I need to or want to. I really wish I had this whole weekend to myself to make a bit of a switch up, but I don't. I still need to make the switch up, but it is going to be a little more complicated with all of the things I need to accomplish this weekend. I'm hopeful that I can change things up and get it together all at the same time, because something needs to give over here in my world. I'm tired of the way things have been in my life for a while now and if things don't change for the better I fear something bad may happen and I definitely don't want that nor do I need it right now.

I think a major part of my problem is my stress level. It is crazy high and I feel like if I could just get my Bar Application finished and mailed out I will feel a lot better or at a minimum my stress level would be cut in half.

Yesterday after class I was talking to my LSBFF who seems to be in the same spot I am these days, which is sad because I know how crappy "this" feels right now, but it was nice to know I'm not suffering through this alone. Would that be "misery loves company?" But she gave me some great advice...'let's not think about this for the rest of the day...just stop thinking for the day!' I did this and ended up feeling much better the rest of the day. Actually the later it got the better I felt. Thanks LSBFF! By the time I got home after work and making a run to Sam's Club, in the rain, I was in a pretty good mood. Now if I can just get this feeling to last...

My Friday To-Do List:
1. Go & see my guy
2. Write out my shopping list
3. Go shopping
4. Get my house cleaned/picked-up
5. Do laundry
6. Write out my bills
7. Balance my checkbook
8. File my papers
9. Do all of my MBE homework
10. Do all of my SBM Essay homework
11. Do all of my Externship homework
12. Write my guy
13. Get my hair did
14. Get my allergy shot
15. Get an oil change
16. Go to our annual Halloween Tour Back In Time
17. Finish up my bar application & mail it out
18. Catch up on my TIVO
19. Update my October budget
20. Get me some serious sleep
21. Get re-motivated
22. Get refocused for next week
23. Re-commit to my healthy living
24. Plan out my week
25. Get organized
26. Get my shit together

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