Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Week #10 This Semester Is In The Bag

Last night when I got home if I wouldn't have just spent $21 on dinner I would have immediately crawled into bed. Yes, it was only 8pm. Yes I have tons to do every night, but I was just feeling totally exhausted. Of course I didn't do it. Instead I ate my yummy Mexican take-out and got a few things done instead. Of course at midnight I was really wishing I would have went to bed 4 hours earlier and come morning...definitely wishing I would have just went to bed!

Obviously I have tons to do this weekend and one of those things is to relax a little. My stress level is really high these days. I have so much swirling around in my head, so many things going on and am usually either feeling like I can't breathe or like I want to make someone else not breathe. I fear that this is only going to get worse as time goes on...

My Friday To-Do List:
1. Drop off my Externship time sheet
2. Pick up Monday's day sheet
3. Go & see my guy
4. Write out my shopping list
5. Go shopping
6. Pick up the house
7. Do laundry
8. Do all of my MBE homework
9. Do all of my SBM Essay homework
10. Do all of my Externship homework
11. Write out my bills
12. Balance my checkbook
13. File my papers
14. Write my guy
15. Get my allergy shot
16. Get my massage
17. Catch up on my TIVO
18. Catch up on my emails
19. Workout
20. Pick up my dry cleaning
21. Pick up our pictures
22. Continue cleaning out our closets and drawers
23. Take the munchkin trick-or-treating
24. Request my time off to study for my last final exams in law school
25. Make an appointment for the squeal in my car
26. Call my handyman to do some work on my porch
27. Look for the munchkin's math test that his teacher forgot to record
28. Call for my eye appointment
29. Copy last week's notes for my LSBFF
30. Write out the munchkin's school & soccer pictures
31. Try to reschedule my December dentist appointment
32. Try to reschedule my next Ortho appointment
33. Follow-up on my leave paperwork for The Bar
34. Get re-motivated
35. Get refocused for next week
36. Continue to commit to my healthy living
37. Plan our my week
38. Get organized
39. Get my shit together
40. Relax!

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