Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Craziness on Hump Day!!

Some random craziness that has occurred on this every lovely hump day...

#1) I am NOT a morning person and since I don't go to bed early I set a few alarms to get me up. I set my alarm clock, which is in my bathroom and then I set my cell phone alarm clock, which is on my night stand. Well, the cell phone alarm went off and when I picked it up to hit snooze I dropped it between the bed and the nightstand. It was still going off! So I had to find it, thank god my phone glows when the alarm goes off. I still proceeded to go back to sleep and over slept this morning. So I got up and hopped in the shower with the full knowledge that I wasn't going to wash my hair to save time. Too bad my hands didn't know that!! I proceeded to put my face soap in my hands rup them together and apply it to my hair.......WAIT?! HAIR??!!!...yes, I said hair. Apparently someone wanted me to wash my hair, because I used my uber-expensive face soap on the top of my head. As soon as I sat my hand up there I had that "Duh!" moment. Wrong area of my head. It was suppose to go on my face dang it!! I tried "wiping out" the face soap from my pulled back hair and after more bubbles formed each time I decided I had to wash my hair this morning. Sorry "The CH", I was late due to malfunctioning face soap!!

#2) While working I have a report that I just completed and my cell phone on top because I was texting with my LSBFF. I grab the report to put it away behind me on a shelf and as I begin to slide the report on to the shelf I realize I'm putting away my cell phone not the report. WTH?

#3) I have a bad habit when I'm inter-officing things to forget to write on the envelope who I'm sending it to. This has lead to several items of being sent back to me, from me! Well, I had kept my "problem" under wraps until today. After washing my hair with face soap, but before filing away my cell phone I walked in to my office to see something I sent to the secretary back on my desk with the envelope I mailed it in... This time I sent it to our LPU department. The gig is up! The woman who put it there came in later and asked if I got the stuff she put on my desk. She then asked if I incorrectly mailed it or did that crazy secretary send it down to her on accident. I so wanted to put the blame on the secretary, but then I would feel bad so instead I said...'well, I think it might have been me, but maybe she did it. Who knows....guess it is from too much work!' We laughed together and my "problem" discussion disappeared again. Today is not the day to become more deligent with my envelope addressing......

#4) My car guy returned my call verifying we are on track and asks me to come in this Saturday to get some paperwork done...and then says, "Plus I've got a surprise for you." I say what you are suppose to say when someone says such things, "You do???" (all excited, of course!). His response was, "Yes, I got you a car." Okay.....not what I was thinking because that was the obvious, right? Isn't that your job? Didn't we go over the details of what I wanted when I came in 2 weeks ago? I thought my job was to get my Pin # and your job was to get my car. And this is a surprise? How???? I verified with my LSBFF, before I filed away my phone, that car people are weird.

Alright...until more craziness happens, keep enjoying Hump-Day!!!! :D

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