Welcome to My World!!

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From A Small Town, In The Midwest, United States
My favorite quote...We all live in hiding. In one way or another each of us conceal pieces of ourselves from the rest of the world. Some people hide because their lives depend on it. Others because they don't like being seen. And then there are those special cases, the ones who hide because they just want someone to care enough to look for them...Which one are you?

Monday, September 28, 2009

A WW's Quickie Update

Today was the first day we actually weighed in for WWs @ work and I've lost another 2.5lbs! Hell yes!!! :D I'm so excited I practically jumped off that scales!! :) Even though it doesn't "count" for WWs because this was the initial weigh in, it counts big time for me. Ladies & gentlemen...that is a grand total loss of 23lbs!!! Yay me!!!! I know it will seem to move much slower now that I'll be weighing weekly, but it will be more accurate too...


  1. wow! u go girl!! i'm very proud of you!! once i get mobile again: i'll race you!

  2. Thanks Blaez!

    I'm proud of me too!!! :D I didn't really see this happening back on that fateful day, but I'm glad things finally turned around for me. Now if only I had gotten my shit together before I hit rock bottom!

    Each time I know I've lost more weight I think more and more the next time I eat. Except tonight...I really want some of my sugar free ice cream when I get home.... LOL

  3. sometimes you have to hit bottom before you can finally start climing back up the mountain.

    i know: i almost comitted suicide. that was my bottom. after the seperation but before divorce was final. shoot, we'd been seperated for a day and i just knew it was over that time, it was no going back. losing my boys, losing my husband...it was horrible.

    but with the love of my friends and my father and MomI and my sisters I got my ass back in gear and I'd lost 100 lbs! I went from a size 24 to a size 14!!! but all that was a bi-product of my increased self esteem and working again a hard labor job.

    I hate to say to you since i've reinjured my back and been unable to walk and work like i use to, i've gained back 70 lbs. i know! i know!! i wear a size 18-20. i feel horrible and like i let myself down.

    but if i did it before i can do it again, right? i just have to get better! i just have to heal physically now instead of mentally.


    but i'll still race ya! maybe... you got a big lead on me now!

  4. Amen to that Blaez! :) Better now than later I guess. It could have gotten much worse, so I'm happy now. It took me a lot of emotions to get to this point!

    I'm so sorry Blaez that you were in such a bad space. Hugs to you my friend. Thank god you are still here because I'd be a friend short if you weren't!

    Way to go!!! OMG...I would love to be able to say I did what you did. Before my man and I had met I had lost about 80lbs, but I gained it all back and then a lot more on top of it. :( I need to lose at least 200lbs. I would be happy there, but I would like to lose a total of 228lbs, but I would just like to be back in the 100's...that would make me happy! With the 23lbs I've lost I've went from a very tight 28 (pushing for 30) to a comfortable 24! ;) That is even in jeans, which you know is way different than dress pants!

    You will get those 70lbs back off in no time!!! You have been immobile, not lazy! Total difference! You can so do it again! Get better and the race is on girlfriend!!! :D

    Hugs back at ya!

  5. my sister kept me from doing it. and she has no idea she saved my life. i still remember that night... i had a bottle full of sleeping pills and a bottle of crown royal his mom had left at the house (she had sleep issues and was going through a divorce and stayed with us alot for that and to see the boys...) i saw raquel's face. i heard in my head her asking daddy why i killed myself over some man who was abusive and 2 kids that were not mine biologically... and i threw it all in the toilette. i called daddy that night at 2 am and asked him to come and get me and he showed up 2 days later after i'd packed what i could...

    if i lost 120 lbs i'd be more than happy. right now i'm fluctuating between 250 and 260 and for my height (now 5'4 instead of the 5'5 i once was...) 130-150 is normal/average. i was pushing 300 when me and the ex split up. within 6 months i was down to 250 and in 6 more months i was down to 170! and then i moved to chicago... *slaps self*

    yea the immobility is killing me. as well as the quitting smoking. i know that had alot to do with gaining some of the weight back. nicotine builds up in fat cells and kills them keeping you skinnier than you would be... but it also kills good cells too, so... whatever. i'm a nonsmoker overweight person that needs to lose 100 lbs by her wedding in a year and half. i think i can do it!! i'm pretty sure i can!

  6. When I was 9 months pregnant I was 250lb. When I started this journey I topped out at my highest....363. :( But I'll get back to where I was! If I lose another 80lbs then I'll be where you are now! :) Then we can really race! LOL :)

    Yeah, I sort of started back smoking again. I didn't mean for it to happen. I usually smoke when I drive up to see my man and then quit within a week of coming home, but this time that hasn't happened yet. It will though...the first time I get sick I'll quit. Ugh...the stress!

    YOU CAN DO IT AND YOU WILL DO IT!! We will do it together!
